Chris Love

Results 219 comments of Chris Love

@ankitm123 let me know when it is up to date.

Failed: ``` jx ui jx pipeline log jx gitops jx admin jx preview jx secret jx promote jx application jx semanticcheck jx project jx slack ``` I am thinking that...

I am getting two different forms of errors ``` $ jx promote ERROR: failed to install binary plugin jx-promote version 0.2.5 to /Users/clove/.jx3/plugins/bin: unable to locate binary for arm64 darwin...

Do we have instructions on how to install a dev version of the plugin? I have the binary building locally, but I cannot get jx to find it.

@ankitm123 I just put in this - nothing is working without this PR

I have tested: ``` jx-gitops jx-gitops-dev jx-pipeline-dev jx-project-dev jx-secret-dev octant-dev octant-jx-dev octant-jxo-dev vault-dev ``` All seem to be working ``` ls ~/.jx-gitops/plugins/bin helm-dev kpt kpt-dev ``` I had to put...

Also the CRDs are not being cleaned up as well. ``` $ k get | grep tekton 2022-05-11T20:48:58Z 2022-05-11T20:48:58Z 2022-05-11T20:48:59Z 2022-05-11T20:48:59Z 2022-05-11T20:48:59Z 2022-05-11T20:48:59Z...

Please self merge after cicd runs

@bgeesaman can you squash the commits? I will merge afterwards