Chris Krycho

Results 583 comments of Chris Krycho

Since this appears to have been fixed in master some time ago (#44), and indeed there have been a couple other fixes since then, can you bump the release on...

Interesting. We're not using it directly, but [ember-cli-meta-tags]( uses it, and there's [an open PR over there for that upgrade](, so I'll check and see if that's related.

@kimroen I haven’t been back to it, in truth. Been super busy. Hoping to upgrade us in a week or two. I’ll let you know then what I see.

If anyone else happens to run into this: in at least some cases, `prefetch` hook invocations which include `transitionTo` *without* aborting the current transition will fail on Ember 3.6+ (i.e....

There are similar problems with contrast in the Cupertino themes.

And with Mellow Purple!

Yeah, doing it the same (albeit inverted) as the GitHub theme seems right. Note that it won’t solve the status bar problem on Nord Dark (which is actually what sent...

Note re:Nord, there's an official Nord repository upstream. If you want, I can submit a PR over the weekend to remove the ones that look *really* bad.

Even better: you could make it only parse comments which start `//⚙️`. :trollface: More seriously, I'm definitely interested in this project and thought immediately of comments-as-types, because I've developed the...

Here's a comparison with both and set to 67% opacity—Alacritty is on the left, Terminal on the right: As you can see, the background on the left has...