Chris Hebert
Chris Hebert
HI I've just pushed an update that removes the deprecated referrence to VK_API_VERSION. Please can you pull VulkanAppContext.cpp again and try. Many Thanks Chris
Ok, thats strange as it doesn't use assimp. Quick workaround for now is to install assimp (asset importer) sudo apt-get install assimp
Hi Please can you rebuild this using main_glfw.cpp instead. (select use GLFW in the CMake UI) Many Thanks Chris Hebert NVIDIA
On linux, there may also be an issue with semaphores, I am looking into this at the moment, so these are the semaphores that synchronise the rendering with the display....
I've just pushed a change that provides a temporary work around for the semaphores issue. Please can you pull the latest source before rebuilding. Many Thanks Chris Hebert NVIDIA
Ok. on line 315 of VkeGameRendererDynamic.cpp, try lowering the instance count to say 32. Ultimately there will be UI to do this. The heli is quite a detailed model, not...
Yes this is because of the semaphores issue I'm working on right now. I'll let you know as soon as that's fixed.
Hi Ddurnev. Thanks for the heads up on the mesa lib, it was puzzling me a bit, since I have 14.10 currently on my dev machine, I dont seem to...
Oh, You're running the TX1 version? That's actually not the same build that's no this particular github repo. The one on here does support resizing. However this source on this...
Hang on, I got confused ... TX -> TitanX (not TX1 L4T?). In that case this is the right repo, Is resizing not working? I'll look at that in the...