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A set of react transition components for basic animations.



A set of React components using React Transition Group to provide drop in GPU accelerated animations and wrappers for group effects.

Checkout the Storybook!

  • Installation
  • Animation Components
    • Fade
    • Transform
    • FadeTransform
  • Wrapper Components
    • Stagger
    • Random
    • Loop


npm install react-animation-components

Make sure you also have installed the following peer dependencies:

    "react": "^16.0.0",
    "react-dom": "^16.0.0",
    "react-transition-group": "^2.2.1",
    "prop-types": "^15.6.0"

Animation Components

Props available on all animation components

The following are available on any animation component as well as any valid Transition props. Transitions are set to appear and their timeout is calculated by combining the delay and duration by default but can be overwritten.

Key Description Example Type Default Value
className Passes className to wrapper div some-class string undefined
delay Sets the animations transitionDelay 500 number 0
duration Sets the animations transitionDuration 1000 number 500
style Passes styles to wrapper div { display:'flex' } object {}
timingFn Sets the animations transitionTimingFunction 'ease-in-out' string 'ease'


Transitions the wrapped element's opacity from one value to another


Key Description Example Type Default Value
enterOpacity The opacity value when in is true 0.85 number 0
exitOpacity The opacity value when in is false 0.25 number 0


import { Fade } from 'react-animation-components'

<Fade in>
  <h1>I'm transitioning to opacity:1</h1>

<Fade in enterOpacity={0.85}>
  <h1>I'm transitioning to opacity:0.85</h1>

<Fade in={false}>
  <h1>I'm transitioning to opacity:0</h1>

<Fade in={false} exitOpacity={0.25}>
  <h1>I'm transitioning to opacity:0.25</h1>


Transitions the wrapped element from one transform property to another. Any valid transform property will work.


Key Description Example Type Default Value
enterTransform The transform value when in is true 'translateX(100px)' string 'none'
exitTransform The transform value when in is false 'translateX(100px)' string 'none'


import { Transform } from 'react-animation-components'

<Transform enterTransform="translateX(100px)" in>
  <h1>I'm transitioning from my initial position to 100px right when `in` is `true`</h1>

<Transform enterTransform="translateX(100px)" exitTransform="translateX(-100px)" in>
    I'm 100px to the left of my initial position and
    I transition 100px right of my initial when `in` is `true`

<Transform enterTransform="rotate(90deg)" in>
  <h1>I transition from initial positon to rotate 90deg when `in` is `true`</h1>


Composes Fade and Transform. All top level props are passed to both components. You can also pass props to individual components in the composition.

Props passed to indivudal components via fadeProps or transformProps will override any top level props


Key Description Example Type Default Value
fadeProps The props that only Fade recieves. { enterOpacity: 0.85 } object {}
transformProps The props that only Transform recieves. { enterTransform: 'translateX(100px)' } object {}


import { FadeTransform } from 'react-animation-components'

<FadeTransform in transformProps={{ enterTransform: 'translateX(100px)' }}>
  <h1>I'm transitioning from my initial position to 100px right when `in` is `true`</h1>

        enterTransform: 'translateX(100px)',
        exitTransform: 'translateX(-100px)'
    I'm 100px to the left of my initial position and
    I transition 100px right of my initial when `in` is `true`

        exitTransform: 'translateX(-100px)'
        enterOpacity: 0.85,
  <h1>I transition from `-100px` horizontally of my initial positon and to 0.85 opacity when `in` is `true`</h1>

Wrapper Components

Wrapper components use the inner animation components onEntered and onExited. Setting those callbacks inside these wrappers will not work


Uses TransitionGroup to stagger delay on a set of animation components


Key Description Example Type Default Value
chunk Used to limit the stagger into "chunks". 5 number 0
delay The amount to separate each stagger by 1000 number 100
duration A value to set the inner child animations transition duration 800 number 500
in A boolean to tell the children to mount or unmount true boolean false
onComplete A function that is called after the last animation finishes any valid function function Function.prototype(noop)
reverse A boolean to tell the component to reverse how delays are applied true boolean false


import { Fade, Stagger } from 'react-animation-components'

const items = ['first', 'second', 'third', 'fourth', 'fifth'];

<Stagger in>
        item => (
                <h1>Each {item} will transition in with an incrementally larger delay than the previous</h1>

<Stagger chunk={4} in>
        item => (
                  Each {item} will increment in segments of 4.
                  First is 0, Second is 100, Third is 200, Fourth is 0, fifth is 100, and so on


Uses TransitionGroup to randomize delay on a set of animation components


Key Description Example Type Default Value
duration A value to set the inner child animations transition duration 800 number 500
in A boolean to tell the children to mount or unmount true boolean false
maxDelay Maximum delay possible 5000 number 1500
minDelay Minimum delay possible 100 number 0
onComplete A function that is called after the last animation finishes any valid function function Function.prototype(noop)
reverse A boolean to tell the component to reverse how delays are applied true boolean false


import { Fade, Random } from 'react-animation-components'

const items = ['first', 'second', 'third', 'fourth', 'fifth'];

<Random in>
        item => (
                <h1>Each {item} will randomly FadeIn between 0 and 1500ms</h1>

<Random minDelay={1000} maxDelay={5000} in>
        item => (
                <h1>Each {item} will randomly FadeIn between 1000ms and 5000ms</h1>


Loops using the onEntered and onExited callbacks to toggle in on a single animation component.


Key Description Example Type Default Value
in Initializes the loop when true true bool false
interval Sets the interval to toggle in. Also sets the duration 1000 number 500
iterations Maximum number of loops 5.5 number Infinity
onComplete Callback that is called when the iterations have been met. Waits an additional interval to ensure its called when the last iteration has completed any valid function function Function.prototype(noop)
onIterate Callback that is called with the current count each time the loop iterates. Count is incremented by 0.5 any valid function function Function.prototype(noop)


import { Fade, Loop } from 'react-animation-components'

<Loop in>
        <h1>I will Fade in and out repeatedly on 500ms intervals</h1>

<Loop in iterations={5.5}>
        <h1>I will Fade in and out repeatedly on 500ms intervals 5.5 times</h1>