zod-prisma-types copied to clipboard
[BUG] Unused `import type { Prisma } from './client` incompatible with `verbatimModuleSyntax` is being generated
Describe the bug When the index.ts is generated the start of the file looks like the following:
import { z } from 'zod';
import type { Prisma } from './client';
The second import is not only useless as the Prisma type is not used anywhere on the file but it is also incompatible with tsconfig option verbatimModuleSyntax
as the ESM standard requires specifying the file extension so it should be import type { Prisma } from './client/index.js';
This makes code quality tools report an unused import and tsc to error due to verbatimModuleSyntax
Package versions (please complete the following information):
- zod: 3.23.8
- prisma: 5.19.0
Additional context Generators defined on my prisma schema:
generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
output = "./client"
previewFeatures = ["relationJoins", "nativeDistinct", "omitApi", "driverAdapters", "typedSql"]
generator zod {
provider = "zod-prisma-types"
output = "./entities" // (default) the directory where generated zod schemas will be saved
useMultipleFiles = false // default is false
writeBarrelFiles = true // default is true
createModelTypes = true // default is true
addInputTypeValidation = true // default is true
validateWhereUniqueInput = true // default is false
createOptionalDefaultValuesTypes = true // default is false
createRelationValuesTypes = true // default is false
createPartialTypes = true // default is false
createInputTypes = false // default is true
addIncludeType = false // default is true
addSelectType = false // default is true
useDefaultValidators = false // default is true
coerceDate = true // default is true
writeNullishInModelTypes = true // default is false
prismaClientPath = "./client"
This can be easily fixed by changing lines 19 and 21 at https://github.com/chrishoermann/zod-prisma-types/blob/master/packages/generator/src/functions/writeSingleFileImportStatements.ts