MITObim copied to clipboard
SampleID error
I was using MITObim 1.8 and Mira 4.0.X on metagenomic data. I succeeded to run Mira using this .conf : " job = genome,mapping,accurate parameters = -NW:cnfs=warn -AS:nop=0 parameters = SOLEXA_SETTINGS -CO:msr=no project = initial-mapping-testpool-to-L14Os08
readgroup is_reference data = A1to7.fa strain = L14Os08
readgroup = DataIlluminaPairedLib autopairing data = L14Os08.r.slx.fastq L14Os08.f.slx.fastq segment_placement = ---> <--- rename_prefix= HWI-ST318:295:D1A9YACXX:6: L14Os08_ technology = solexa strain = testpool "
I was able to find .maf in initial-mapping-testpool-to-L14Os08_d_chkpt/ (_d_result/ was empty) I ran Mitobim using this command : " ./ --mirapath mira_4.0.2/bin/ -start 1 -end 10 -sample testpool -ref A1to7.fa -readpool fusion_L14Os08.fastq -maf initial-mapping-testpool-to-L14Os08_assembly/initial-mapping-testpool-to-L14Os08_d_chkpt/readpool.maf " fusion_L14Os08.fastq : is L14Os08.r.slx.fastq L14Os08.f.slx.fastq interleaved as suggested on :!topic/mitobim-users/yKUdmVP2uuE
When i ran Mitobim i got this message : " tcmalloc: large alloc 1073741824 bytes == 0x12735e4000 @ No such file or directory Is the sampleID identical as in the initial MIRA assembly? " I thought that "-sample testpool" was wrong so i tried using "-sample L14Os08" but the same message appeared. I have no idea what to do...
Thanks ! Wesde