Chris Graham

Results 41 comments of Chris Graham

Hmm, Facebook just announced... "Facebook will now require client or app access tokens to access a user’s profile picture when querying against user IDs. Beginning on October 24, 2020, queries...

Actually I think we need to be a bit careful here. If the photoURL is being exposed to end users, we obviously don't want to expose access tokens. So perhaps...

Oh ok cool. Then perhaps Hybridauth could probe that and find the redirect and return that redirect. Assuming the hash and asid here are long lived though, which I am...

Ok I've had a play in the Facebook Graph API docs and Facebook Graph Explorer, and that URL form is the same URL form contained within: (which is the...

I don't think it's a recent change, I think it's Facebook's algorithm disabling the photo based on heuristics. The only fix is to include the oAuth token in the URL...

Some providers will implement oAuth to have a "Not you?" style option on their approval screen, but not all - and it's probably not under your control at all. I...

Honestly what you're doing seems clunky. PHP should have accurate data for the URL, especially because oAuth is designed to work via injection of GET parameters. Can you put the...

Does this fix I just made a couple of days ago work too? Seems to be similar territory.

This sounds like it is referring to the MicrosoftGraph provider, which does exist. The app you end up with via Microsoft's labyrinth of wizards, tutorials, etc, is a "Azure Active...