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django-typogrify copied to clipboard

Typogrify is a collection of Django template filters that help prettify your web typography by preventing ugly quotes and widows and providing CSS hooks to style some special cases.

typogrify: Django template filters to make web typography easier

This application provides a set of custom filters for the Django template system which automatically apply various transformations to plain text in order to yield typographically-improved HTML.


typogrify is designed to work with Django, and so requires a functioning installation of Django 0.96 or later.

  • Django:


  1. checkout the project into a folder called typogrify on your python path:

     git clone [email protected]:chrisdrackett/django-typogrify.git typogrify
  2. Add 'typogrify' to your INSTALLED_APPS setting.

Included filters


Wraps ampersands in HTML with <span class="amp"></span> so they can be styled with CSS. Ampersands are also normalized to &. Requires ampersands to have whitespace or an   on both sides. Will not change any ampersand which has already been wrapped in this fashion.


Wraps multiple capital letters in <span class="caps"></span> so they can be styled with CSS.


Wraps initial quotes in <span class="dquo"></span> for double quotes or <span class="quo"></span> for single quotes. Works inside these block elements:

  • h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6
  • p
  • li
  • dt
  • dd

Also accounts for potential opening inline elements: a, em, strong, span, b, i.


  • Straight quotes ( " and ' ) into “curly” quote HTML entities (‘ | ’ | “ | ”)
  • Backticks-style quotes (``like this'') into “curly” quote HTML entities (‘ | ’ | “ | ”)
  • Dashes (“--” and “---”) into n-dash and m-dash entities (– | —)
  • Three consecutive dots (“...”) into an ellipsis entity (…)


Based on Shaun Inman's PHP utility of the same name, replaces the space between the last two words in a string with &nbsp; to avoid a final line of text with only one word.

Works inside these block elements:

  • h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6
  • p
  • li
  • dt
  • dd

Also accounts for potential closing inline elements: a, em, strong, span, b, i.



wraps number suffix's in <span class="ord"></span> so they can be styled.


(uses code from

Returns the date in a more human readable format:

  • Today
  • Yesterday
  • 4 days ago
  • 3 weeks ago
  • in 3 years
  • etc.


Applies all of the following filters, in order:

  • force_unicode (from django.utils.encoding)
  • amp
  • widont
  • smartypants
  • caps
  • initial_quotes


Apply all django-typogrify filters to template output:

{% load typogrify_tags %}
{{ blog_post.contents|typogrify }}