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Tutorial for building a custom CUDA function for Pytorch

Pytorch Custom CUDA kernel Tutorial

This repository contains a tutorial code for making a custom CUDA function for pytorch. The code is based on the pytorch C extension example.


This tutorial was written when pytorch did not support broadcasting sum. Now that it supports, probably you wouldn't need to make your own broadcasting sum function, but you can still follow the tutorial to build your own custom layer with a custom CUDA kernel.

In this repository, we will build a simple CUDA based broadcasting sum function. The current version of pytorch does not support broadcasting sum, thus we have to manually expand a tensor like using expand_as which makes a new tensor and takes additional memory and computation.

For example,

a = torch.randn(3, 5)
b = torch.randn(3, 1)
# The following line will give an error
# a += b

# Expand b to have the same dimension as a
b_like_a = b.expand_as(a)
a += b_like_a

In this post, we will build a function that can compute a += b without explicitly expanding b.

mathutil.broadcast_sum(a, b, *map(int, a.size()))

Make a CUDA kernel

First, let's make a cuda kernel that adds b to a without making a copy of a tensor b.

__global__ void broadcast_sum_kernel(float *a, float *b, int x, int y, int size)
    int i = (blockIdx.x + blockIdx.y * gridDim.x) * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    if(i >= size) return;
    int j = i % x; i = i / x;
    int k = i % y;
    a[IDX2D(j, k, y)] += b[k];

Make a C wrapper

Once you made a CUDA kernel, you have to wrap it with a C code. However, we are not using the pytorch backend yet. Note that the inputs are already device pointers.

void broadcast_sum_cuda(float *a, float *b, int x, int y, cudaStream_t stream)
    int size = x * y;
    cudaError_t err;

    broadcast_sum_kernel<<<cuda_gridsize(size), BLOCK, 0, stream>>>(a, b, x, y, size);

    err = cudaGetLastError();
    if (cudaSuccess != err)
        fprintf(stderr, "CUDA kernel failed : %s\n", cudaGetErrorString(err));

Connect Pytorch backends with the C Wrapper

Next, we have to connect the pytorch backend with our C wrapper. You can expose the device pointer using the function THCudaTensor_data. The pointers a and b are device pointers (on GPU).

extern THCState *state;

int broadcast_sum(THCudaTensor *a_tensor, THCudaTensor *b_tensor, int x, int y)
    float *a = THCudaTensor_data(state, a_tensor);
    float *b = THCudaTensor_data(state, b_tensor);
    cudaStream_t stream = THCState_getCurrentStream(state);

    broadcast_sum_cuda(a, b, x, y, stream);

    return 1;

Make a python wrapper

Now that we built the cuda function and a pytorch function, we need to expose the function to python so that we can use the function in python.

We will first build a shared library using nvcc.

nvcc ... -o build/ src/

Then, we will use the pytorch torch.utils.ffi.create_extension function which automatically put appropriate headers and builds a python loadable shared library.

from torch.utils.ffi import create_extension


ffi = create_extension(


Finally, we can test our function by building it. In the readme, I removed a lot of details, but you can see a working example.

git clone
cd pytorch-cffi-tutorial


The function only takes THCudaTensor, which is torch.FloatTensor().cuda() in python.