videojs-hls-quality-selector copied to clipboard
selector on mobile ( workarround #13 doesn't work )
hello same issue as #13 , on desktop, everything is working but i want to force the quality menu dropdown on mobile but it doesn't show
here is my code
options, player;
options = {
responsive: true,
controlBar: {
children: [
html5: {
nativeAudioTracks: false,
nativeVideoTracks: false,
hls: {
overrideNative: true,
debug: true,
player = videojs('mainvideo',options);
same result without
nativeAudioTracks: false,
nativeVideoTracks: false,
videojs 7.0 videojs-contrib-quality-levels @version 2.1.0 videojs-hls-quality-selector * @version 1.1.4 thanks for your help
Hi, I've the same problem, a solution ? Thanks
It's an old thread, but that works:
html5: { vhs: { overrideNative: true, }, } ,
I think this has changed recently and is no longer working with iOS? The below settings don't seem to work (even with vhs)
html5: { nativeAudioTracks: false, nativeVideoTracks: false, hls: { overrideNative: true, }, vhs: { overrideNative: true, } },