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A python script for inserting pihole statistics into influxdb


A couple of basic scripts for inserting pihole data into influxdb for graphing.

pihole_influx.py - A python script for inserting records into influxdb.

Configuration options:

HOSTNAMES = "ns-01" # Pi-hole hostname(s) to report in InfluxDB for each measurement. Comma separated list.
INFLUXDB_SERVER = "" # IP or hostname to InfluxDB server
INFLUXDB_PORT = 8086 # Port on InfluxDB server
INFLUXDB_DATABASE = "piholestats"
DELAY = 600 # seconds

docker-compose.yml - An example Docker setup to run this script

Configuration options above can be specified within the environment section of the compose file.

pihole-influx.service - A SystemD Unit File for starting pihole_influx at boot (and logging) On Centos7, put this file in /lib/systemd/system/.


systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable pihole-influx
systemctl start pihole-influx

To run pihole_influx.py from the command line without the startup script:

/usr/bin/python ./pihole_influx.py

I installed this script in /opt/pihole_influx. If you put it somewhere else you'll have to update the systemD startup script.

NOTE: The script pauses for DELAY seconds at start because I had problems with the systemD script if it was started to early. If you know how to fix this please submit a pull request.


If you get the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "./pihole_influx.py", line 11, in <module> from influxdb import InfluxDBClient

You'll need to install the python-influxdb module for python. On a raspberry pi, you can do this with:

sudo apt-get install python-influxdb

Or on CentOS / RHEL:

yum install python-influxdb

If you get this error:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "./pihole_influx.py", line 8, in <module> import requests ImportError: No module named requests

You'll need to install the python-requests module.