iOS-NSDate-Utilities copied to clipboard
Powerful extensions for NSDate in Swift.
iOS - NSDate Utilities
Powerful extensions for NSDate in Swift.
Import only what you need:
- NSDate+Main.swift - required
- NSDate+Comparable.swift
- NSDate+Periods.swift
- NSDate+Periods.swift
NSTimeInterval extension:
var seconds = 2.seconds // 2 (as NSTimeInterval)
seconds = 3.minutes // 3*60 = 180
seconds = 1.hours // 1*60*60 = 3600
seconds = 1.days // 1*60*60*24 = 86400
seconds = 1.weeks // 1*60*60*24*7 = 604800
let minutesIn3600Seconds = 3600.preciseCount(.Minute) // 60.0 (as Double - since there is exactly 60 minutes in 3600 seconds)
let minutes = 30.preciseCount(.Minute) // 0.5 (Half a minute)
let hoursInWeek = 1.week.preciseCount(.Hour) // 168.0 (24 hours * 7 days)
// You can use the rest of the NSDateUnit values to count the desired unit
NSDate Creation
NSDate().calendar // Shortcut for NSCalendar.currentCalendar() - used in the extensions
NSDate.dateWithYear(2015, month: 6, andDay: 28) // Creates date of June 28, 2015 at 12 AM
NSDate.dateWithYear(2015, month: 1, day: 1, hour: 14, minute: 5, andSecond: 30) // Creates date of January 1, 2015 at 2:05:30 PM // Today same time
NSDate.tomorrow() // Tomorrow same time
NSDate.yeasterday() // Yesterday same time
NSDate.dateFromString(dateString: "03-30-2015", withFormat: "MM-dd-yyyy") // March 30, 2015 12AM
let components = NSDateComponents()
components.year = 2015
components.month = 3 = 30
NSDate.dateFromComponents(components) // March 30, 2015 12AM
Components and Conversion
NSDate.dateWithYear(2015, month: 11, andDay: 23).toStringWithFormat("MM-dd-yyyy") // "11-23-2015"
let christmas = NSDate.dateWithYear(2015, month: 12, andDay: 25)
christmas.getComponents(NSCalendarUnit.CalendarUnitDay).day // 25
christmas.year // 2015
christmas.month // 12 // 25
christmas.hour // 0 - since it's 12:00:00 AM
christmas.minute // 0
christmas.second // 0
Check relative date
NSDate().isToday == true
NSDate.tomorrow().isTomorrow == true
NSDate.yesterday().isYesterday == true
NSDate().isWeekend // Check if date is a weekend
Compare dates using operators.
let today = NSDate()
today < NSDate.tomorrow() // True
today > NSDate.yesterday() // True
today == today // True
today != NSDate.tomorrow()
Get start, end, next, or previous of a unit (Year, Month, Day, Week, Hour, Minute, Second) of a date.
let date = NSDate.dateWithYear(2015, month: 10, day: 20, hour: 8, minute: 40, second: 9) // Oct 20, 2015 8:40:09 AM
date.startOf(.Day) // Oct 20, 2015 at 12 AM
date.startOf(.Month) // Oct 1, 2015, 12 AM
date.startOf(.Year) // Jan 1, 2015, 12 AM
// You can also use .Second, .Minute, .Hour, and .Week
date.endOf(.Day) // Oct 20, 2015 at 11:59:59 PM
date.endOf(.Month) // Oct 31, 2015, 11:59:59 PM
date.endOf(.Year) // Dec 31, 2015, 11:59:59 PM
// You can also use .Second, .Minute, .Hour, and .Week // Oct 21, 2015 at 8:40:09 AM // Nov 20, 2015, 8:40:09 AM // Oct 20, 2016, 8:40:09 AM
// You can also use .Second, .Minute, .Hour, and .Week
date.previous(.Day) // Oct 19, 2015 at 8:40:09 AM
date.previous(.Month) // Sept 20, 2015, 8:40:09 AM
date.previous(.Year) // Oct 20, 2014, 8:40:09 AM
// You can also use .Second, .Minute, .Hour, and .Week
Count units from date to another date.
let today = NSDate()
let tomorrow =
today.count(.Day, toDate: tomorrow) // 1
today.preciseCount(.Day, toDate: tomorrow) // 1.0
today.count(.Hour, toDate: tomorrow) // 24
// Difference between count and preciseCount
let startOfDay = today.startOf(.Day)
let lunch = NSDate.dateWithYear(startOfDay.year, month: startOfMonth.month, day:, hour: 12, minute: 0, andSecond: 0)
startOfDay.count(.Day, toDate: lunch) // 0
startOfDay.preciseCount(.Day, toDate: lunch) // 0.5 (Half a day or 12 hours)
startOfDay.preciseCount(.Hour, toDate: lunch) // 12 (hours)
Count units from a larger unit based on a given date.
let daysInMonthToday = NSDate.count(.Day, inA: .Month, fromDate: // Count days in current month
let daysInYearToday = NSDate.preciseCount(.Day, inA: .Year, fromDate: // Count days in year precisely
Copyright (c) 2016 Joe Christopher Paul Amanse
This software is distributed under the MIT License.