
Results 14 comments of chris

crashed in cvui:window ---> cv::rectangle(aOverlay, theContent, cv::Scalar(0x31, 0x31, 0x31), CVUI_FILLED);

i think the issue is always there both opencv 4.x and opencv3.4.6, ![image](

I donwload the new version of cvui,but "cv::rectangle(aOverlay, theContent, cv::Scalar(0x31, 0x31, 0x31), 1); "still in cvui:window.

2. how can i setup a image button, and change the button from rectangle to circle



没用boost,vcpkg install asio,1.18版本的asio, 除了io_service -> io_context; 还有很多用法都有问题:work也没有了

还有请教下,我的环境里面不支持 asio::ip::tcp::resolver::query,查看代码ip/basic_resolver.hpp中,下面这段代码是灰的,不知要在哪里undefine ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED #if !defined(ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED) /// (Deprecated.) The query type. typedef basic_resolver_query query; /// (Deprecated.) The iterator type. typedef basic_resolver_iterator iterator; #endif // !defined(ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED)


> 看来最新版本的asio变动不小,用boost的asio吧,或者换1.12版本的asio,github上就有取下来就行。 不能改为老版本了,我里面有其他的用到asio的新版本了