The key is
Localizations need updates for samesite cookie support in the developer tools. Line 'table.headers.cookies.sameSite=sameSite' is missing in 45 based localizations in Since the string 'same site' doesn't seem to be...
[]( []( []( []( []( []( [TFF-FPR8-Packlangage-Franç]( [](
It can be done. Do you mean Simplified or Traditional Chinese? The problem is that, unlike Latin, Cyrillic and a little Greek, I'm illiterate in Chinese. I need a volunteer...
I need to update the © date in the about dialog, also update the version checker for TFF 14ff. While I'm at it: Any new strings to add?
Paizhangpi, I'm just going to need the strings in the attached text file translated to Simplified Chinese, then I can start making the installer app. Thank you! [strings to translate.txt](
Thank you! I will make the installer during the next weekend. I'll try to use the complete sentence in the About Tenfourfox dialog, I suspected such a problem :-) I...
Alright, I'll add these; since the grammar should be consistent and we have enough other things that can be 'enabled' I could even translate this myself. I'm planning to upload...
Cameron, can we go with ENTITY TFFh264.title "H.264 video" ENTITY TFFh264.prompt "Enable H.264 video" in TenFourFox.dtd, and TFFh264.title.p = H.264 video TFFh264.prompt.p = Enable H.264 video in
I'll leave the parentheses in English if I'm unsure and change it in a later edition, it's not being exposed right now anyway.