livestreamer copied to clipboard
[plugin request]
Site provides various shows, people might remember arconai back during times but since the shut down he has moved on and made his own site but sadly the player he is using now sucks major ***.
Site is still a work in progress though as things are still worked on constantly * has been for several months now :/ * but hopefully you can still get support for his site on livestreamer as his newest player (probably the player he will be using for every channel he streams now) uses rtmp.
Just view page source and find HLS url. E.g ->
Livestreamer hls:// best
I'm kind of already doing that minus the livestreamer part, just would be great if livestreamer already pulled that info so I don't have to worry about having to find all that if I lose the links or w/e
just wanna add mpv plays the streams
im confused is this working, i am not familiar with mpv
now plugin is needed because urls contain an expiration token
At current time the following shell script is working:
livestreamer --player-passthrough=hls --player "/Applications/ --file-caching=20000" hls://$(curl "$*" | grep m3u8 | cut -d '"' -f 6) best
So, on terminal i can just: arconai
and it would play i on vlc. Or create shell aliases for favorite urls:
alias sunny='arconai'
josefson Well Played Sir, i added above to my shell functions, swapping out vlc for cvlc, it's woking splendid. cant get it to work with mpv --cache=50000 but oh well, i have vlc installed on one of the arch boxes.
@cirrusUK Funny thing you showing yourself over here. A friend presented me Arconai some time ago but i was disgusted by 1st the insane use of ads, and 2nd by requiring me to use chrome because of flash. Then i went searching the web for how to make Arconai work with livestreamer and i found some gists of your shellrc and aliases which had this concept. So i started tinkering with till i found that would work out. Since then i switched to mpv, although livestreamer doesn't allow us to use cache with mpv. But i rather use w/o cache now since i don't want the disk I/O operations, which in my case was giving me some little freezes, which i imagine was due to reading from cache. The shame here is that i made UNIX a dependence, maybe i should make a python script or something in order to make it portable to windows. So, right now i am using the below function:
command livestreamer --player mpv hls://$(curl "$*" | grep m3u8 | cut -d '"' -f 6) live
@josefson Thank you, who would have thought, my old gists inspired someone to do something cool. ;) cheers bro.
For anyone keeping track of this thing, Arconai has recently changed his page so changes were necessary in order for livestreamer to work with it. Here goes the changes:
command livestreamer --player $player hls://$(curl $url | grep m3u8 | cut -d '"' -f 14 | sed 's/\\//g') live
@josefson I can't seem to get the changes to work
error: No plugin can handle URL: live
this worked
command livestreamer --player-passthrough=hls --player "cvlc --file-caching=20000" hls://$(curl "$*" | grep m3u8 | cut -d '"' -f 14 | sed 's/\//g') best
thankfully we now have a working plugin