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Ben Russell's autotracker extended

Procedurally generate Impulse Tracker tunes using Hy (Lisp).

#!/usr/bin/env hy

(import [autotracker.utils [track-builder]])
(import [random [Random]])
(import [math [sin]])

(let [[rnd (Random)]
      ; get impulse tracker file, sample loader, pattern creator
      ; here our track is called "From Scratch" at 180 BPM with default pattern length of 128
      [[it sample pattern] (track-builder "From Scratch" 180 128 "This is my message")]
      ; create three samples
      ; one loading from file
      [s1 (sample "evolved" "samples/bassdrum-0-008307e09a04df9da674a0077f123c5960280db9-evolved.wav")]
      ; one from an array of floats (sine wave)
      [s2 (sample "sine" (list-comp (sin (* (/ s 4410) 440)) (s (range 4410))))]
      ; then an array of samples by slicing up a wav into 8 chunks
      [s3 (sample "amen" "autotracker/samples/amen.wav" :slices 8)]
      [rows (xrange 128)]]
  ; now we create patterns with the "pattern" function
  ; each row/col trigger entry is an array like:
  ; [midi-note sample volume fx-type fx-param]
  ; e.g. in pattern 0, channel 0 - lists of row/col note triggers
  (pattern 0 0 (list-comp [(rnd.randint 0 128) s1 255 0 0] [p rows]))
  (pattern 1 1 (list-comp [(rnd.randint 0 128) s1 255 0 0] [p rows]))
  (pattern 1 2 (list-comp [(rnd.randint 0 128) s2 255 0 0] [p rows]))
  (pattern 2 0 (list-comp [60 (rnd.choice s3) 255 0 0] [p rows]))
  ; write the impulse tracker file out to disk
  ( ""))

Based on by Ben Russell.

Original license

autotracker-bottomup - the quite a few times more ultimate audio experience by Ben "GreaseMonkey" Russell, 2011. Public domain.