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Chord sheets and tab for guitar and ukulele.

Results 131 chordbook issues
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Adds `format` to database and renders in selected format. Caveats: Syntax highlighting and autocomplete are only available in ChordPro for now cc #107

Added toggle functionality to collapse sidebar menu on the home page Should fix: issue #328.

Adds vitest to run JavaScript/Vue client tests. - [x] Setup vitest - [x] Setup GitHub Actions - [x] Test simple vue component - [ ] Test vue component that makes...

This is what a setlist looks like when there are no songs in it: That is very sad. It should at least show a prompt to browse, similar to what...

good first issue

On tablet and desktop screens there is a sidebar instead of a tab bar. It would be ideal to be able to add a toggle to collapse the menu down...

good first issue

The "Home" page/tab is currently just static placeholder content. It should include relevant evergreen content. For signed in users: - [x] Recently played songsheets - [x] Recently viewed Genres/Setlists -...


[AutocompleteController]( was written before elasticsearch was added. It should be updated to use searchkick/elasticsearch instead of it's current `starts_with` scopes.

good first issue

On tablet and desktop, Ionic's default padding/margin feels too small to me. I think it should be about double what it currently is on large screens. ![image]( This would probably...

good first issue

[pg_search]( was originally used for search, but there were significant performance issues. #230 replaced most uses with [searchkick]( + elasticsearch, but there is one remaining instance in `Track.title_like` method that...

good first issue

When viewing a songsheet on mobile, touching the background should toggle visibility of the header, footer, and tab bar.

good first issue