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🏷 - tagged template string virtual dom builder

Results 23 hyperx issues
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I'd like to do a major release for hyperx: * several fixes for open parsing bugs. * #41 * #82 * optionally consider adopting es6-isms (let, const, etc.) * optionally...

fixes: * https://github.com/choojs/hyperx/issues/41 * https://github.com/choojs/nanohtml/issues/151 This changes causes the tests from https://github.com/choojs/hyperx/pull/52/commits/f1803d5443a83a64d169af542e9124d55f105952 to pass, and they've been included too.

oy.js: ```javascript var vdom = require('virtual-dom') var hyperx = require('hyperx') var hx = hyperx(vdom.h) const tree = hx` .test > ul { background-color: red; } ` const r = vdom.create(tree).toString()...

## Issue `hyperx` is not allowing many SVG elements to have animation-related tags embedded in them. Both of these examples reproduce the issue: ```javascript const rectNode = html` ` //Markup...

While [writing some tests](https://github.com/substack/hyperx/compare/master...slaskis:components-test) for #33 I found that when using multiple self closing children in a parent it nests them. In other words this: ``` ``` Results in a...


Would it be a good idea to allow `attrToProp` to accept a function? That way as a user I can transform the needed attributes. I'm mainly asking this because the...

This is a breaking change. Alright, following the calls of `concat` I found where to make the change (I believe). Thank you @goto-bus-stop I did find an error in the...

existing hyperx library can't build like ``` var view = ``; const newH = hx`${view}`; ``` so this commit solve this.

:wave: hi, wondering how to pass a function to a component. Trying to use the `Query` component from `react-apollo`. ```js const hyperx = require('hyperx'); const { Query } = require('react-apollo');...

Big pet peeve of mine. If you have template strings, you have `const` and arrow functions.