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Picture-in-Picture Viewer Chrome Extension
Picture-in-Picture Viewer Chrome Extension
- Go to chrome://flags/#enable-panels and enable panels
- Fully restart Chrome
Please double check you have followed the instructions if PiP opens a small window and closes before you can see it.
- Playing online videos in a standalone window!
- A convenient way for Facebook chatting!
- A always-on-top window for Hangouts video calls!
- Viewing websites in mobile view!
You can choose the way you like to open a panel window, which includes:
- Click the PiP icon on the top right corner to open current tab in panel window
- Open url like "www.yoururl.com#panel" in address bar to open "www.yoururl.com" in panel window, so you can bookmark "www.yoururl.com#panel" or save it to desktop as a shortcut
- Right click on a link and choose "Open Link in Panel" to open it in panel window
Wants to know how to bookmark it?
Of course you can create the bookmark and edit it, but the secret is you can do it in a simpler way:
- Open "www.yoururl.com" as usual
- Addend just "#panel" to the address bar and press enter key once (twice will leads to a panel window), nothing should happen
- Bookmark it!
Supported video sites:
- Twitch
- Youtube
- Youku
Known issues
- (Fixed!) Don't do right click in a PiP window, your chrome will crash, fixed in Chrome Canary v33.0.1703.0
- Your should open PiP window from a video link directly instead of opening Youtube home page
- Fixed a window removing issue. Credits: Koichi-Kobayashi
- Support Youtube playlist
- Added option to hide popup
- Fixing bugs for Youtube and Youku
- Stronger Twitch support. Credits: spiffomatic64
- Twitch support
- Allow 'chrome-extension://' protocol
- Right click a link and open link in panel
- Bookmark it!
- Try appending "#panel" to the URL and bookmark it!
- Sometimes you need to use "/#panel" if the url does not end with "/".
- Sometimes "panel://yoururl" would also work
- eg.
- http://www.wolframalpha.com/#panel
- panel://www.wolframalpha.com
Sometimes "panel://yoururl" won't work because Google will search it, so PiP will also parse the url generated by Google Search, more specifically the url contains "q=panel%3A%2F%2Fyoururl"
- Can open url without prefix like "http://"
- Add option for automatically open current tab in panel window
- Add shortcuts for Facebook and Google Keep