term-edit.nvim copied to clipboard
Vim Keybindings in Neovim's Built-in Terminal
Vim Keybindings in Neovim's Built-in Terminal
No more smashing left and right arrow when you make a typo.
You can now smash h
and l
instead 😉.
💪 Supported Actions
- Enter insert:
. - Delete:
. - Change:
. - Visual change:
in visual mode. - Visual delete:
in visual mode. - Paste:
- Replace:
in normal mode - Enter insert as if this plugin doesn't exist:
- Paste as if this plugin doesn't exist:
📦 Installation
lazy = false, -- or ft = 'toggleterm' if you use toggleterm.nvim
version = '1.*',
use { 'chomosuke/term-edit.nvim', tag = 'v1.*' }
Plug 'chomosuke/term-edit.nvim', {'tag': 'v1.*'}
🛠️ Setup
Calling require 'term-edit'.setup(opts)
is mandatory
require 'term-edit'.setup {
-- Mandatory option:
-- Set this to a lua pattern that would match the end of your prompt.
-- Or a table of multiple lua patterns where at least one would match the
-- end of your prompt at any given time.
-- For most bash/zsh user this is '%$ '.
-- For most powershell/fish user this is '> '.
-- For most windows cmd user this is '>'.
prompt_end = '%$ ',
-- How to write lua patterns: https://www.lua.org/pil/20.2.html
⚙️ Configuration
This plugin should work out of the box with default settings.
local default_opts = {
-- Setting this true will enable printing debug information with print()
debug = false,
-- Number of event loops it takes for <Left>, <Right> or <BS> keys to change
-- the cursor's position.
-- If term-edit.nvim is unreliable, increasing this value could help.
-- Decreasing this value can increase the responsiveness of term-edit.nvim
feedkeys_delay = 10,
-- Use case 1: I want to press 'o' instead of 'i' to enter insert.
-- `mapping = { n --[[normal mode]] = { i = 'o' } }`
-- `vim.keymap.set('n', 'o', 'i', { remap = true })` will achieve the same
-- thing. (won't work without remap = true)
-- Use case 2: I want to map 'c' to 'd' and 'd' to 'c'
-- (keymap with remap is no longer an option)
-- `mapping = { n = { c = 'd', d = 'c' } }` (will also map 'cc' to 'dd'
-- and 'dd' to 'cc')
-- Use case 3: I already mapped s to something else and do not want
-- term-edit.nvim to override my mapping.
-- `mapping = { n = { s = false } }`
-- For more examples and detailed explaination, see :h term-edit.mapping
mapping = {
-- mode = {
-- lhs = new_lhs
-- }
-- If this function returns true, term-edit.nvim will use up and down arrow
-- to move the cursor as well as left and right arrow.
-- It will be called before terminal mode is entered and the cursor is moved.
use_up_down_arrows = function()
return false
-- -- In certain environment, left and right arrows can not move the
-- -- cursor to the previous or next line, but up and down arrows can,
-- -- one example is ipython.
-- -- Below is an example that works for ipython
-- -- get content for line under cursor
-- local line = vim.fn.getline(vim.fn.line '.')
-- if line:find(']:', 1, true) or line:find('...:', 1, true) then
-- return true
-- else
-- return false
-- end
-- Used to detect the start of the command
-- prompt_end = no default, this is mandatory
-- Set this to change the register that term-edit uses for yank and put.
default_reg = '"',
🚫 Limitations
- This plugin assumes there are no <Tab> though it might tolerate it.
- This plugin might feed more <Left>, <Right> and <BS> to the shell than necessary. This can happen when it is instructed to go somewhere it can't reach or delete something not a part of the command. This may make your terminal beep if you have audio bell enabled.
- The above limitation is worse in PowerShell and zsh, as for them, <Right> is set as confirm completion. As a result, if the cursor is somewhere after the end of the command, completion will be triggered.
- Issue #29: Sometimes there appears to be dangling spaces after the end of the command, this is an upstream bug/limitation.
- Some shells react especially slowly, e.g. PowerShell. Increase feedkeys_delay to 20000 before opening an issue.
💻 Contribution
All PRs are welcome.