Chris Holmes
Chris Holmes
Hrm, very interesting. Definitely a use case that makes a lot of sense, and one for which we didn't design an explicit extension point. Wish this had come up in...
> The provider roles are (intentionally or unintentionally?) Don't think it was intentional :( > I guess your best bet is to add an additional property to the Provider Object...
+1 for related, with proper types and descriptive titles.
Oh right, to display at the level above it needs to be in the links. I was thinking it'd be better to have an actual field, like STAC Browser would...
Yeah, I agree it should be separate from tiled-assets, though they are clearly closely related. I'm +1 on it. I'd say go ahead and move this to be a PR....
@vincentsarago - I can take a crack at making a PR for this if you can write a quick summary of what to include: * Min/max zoom - how do...
>> One band per asset - this would just be a true/false, to give a hint that the assets split up the bands, right? > Yes. That's in a ideal...
Call 11/7 For first version (1.0.0) we want to limit geometry columns to only being at the top-level. There are very few geospatial packages that would be able to understand...
Call 11/7: We should update our wording here - we use minimum and maximum, while geojson does east/west. Issue for geoparquet is that there's non-geographic CRS's. Consensus is to clarify...
Extension seems to be a good place to start, and then could migrate to the core once there is good acceptance of it.