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IAM Service is used for the management of user, role, permission, organization, project, password policy, fast code, client, menu, icon, multi-language , and supports for importing third-party users t...

IAM Service

This service includes management functions of user, role, permission, organization, project, password policy, fast code, client, menu, icon, multi-language , and supports for importing third-party users through ldap.

  • Role

There are three built-in roles in iam-service:

  1. Platform administrator (having all privileges of platform global layout).

  2. Organization administrator (having all privileges of a single organization's organizational layout).

  3. Project administrator (having all privileges of a single project's project layout).

    When assigning a role to a user, the role-associated labels are sent to the devops for processing, and the corresponding roles are assigned to gitlab.

  • User

    After the service is initialized, a user admin is built in. Which has all the platform-wide privileges, including all permissions for all organizations and all projects.

    Creating, modifying, and deleting users lead to send events, gitlab synchronization to do the appropriate operation

  • Privilege

    All interfaces of the service define permissions through the @Permission annotation. All interfaces of this service define permissions through the @Permission annotation. With the register server and manager service, the privileges information of all services will be automatically entered into the database to make it effective through the service. The @Permission annotation sets the interface as a public interface (accessible without login), login access, global layer interfaces, organization layer interfaces, and project level interfaces.

  • Organization

    After the service is initialized, an organization "operational organization" is built in. At the same time, the admin user has all the privileges of the organization.

  • Client

    The addition, deletion, and modification of the built-in client is a interface of organizational layer, which corresponds to the "client" needed to log in via oauth-server.

  • Directory

    Corresponding to the front page display directory, including add, delete, change check, is the global layer interface.

  • Password policy


  • Currently only Chinese and English are supported. Will support more languages later.
  • Refactor the code and optimize the domain model in DDD.


  • The project is an eureka client project, which local operation needs to cooperate with register-server, and the online operation needs to cooperate with go-register-server.

Installation and Getting Started

  1. Start up register-server
  2. In the local mysql, create the iam_service database.
CREATE USER 'choerodon'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY "123456";
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON iam_service.* TO choerodon@'%';

New file of "init-local-database.sh" in the root directory of the manager-service project:

mkdir -p target
if [ ! -f target/choerodon-tool-liquibase.jar ]
    curl http://nexus.choerodon.com.cn/repository/choerodon-release/io/choerodon/choerodon-tool-liquibase/0.5.2.RELEASE/choerodon-tool-liquibase-0.5.2.RELEASE.jar -o target/choerodon-tool-liquibase.jar
java -Dspring.datasource.url="jdbc:mysql://localhost/iam_service?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8&useSSL=false&useInformationSchema=true&remarks=true" \
 -Dspring.datasource.username=choerodon \
 -Dspring.datasource.password=123456 \
 -Ddata.drop=false -Ddata.init=true \
 -Ddata.dir=src/main/resources \
 -jar target/choerodon-tool-liquibase.jar

And executed in the root directory of the iam-service project:

sh init-local-database.sh
  1. Go to the project directory and run mvn spring-boot:run or run IAMServiceApplication in idea.


  • go-register-server
  • config-server


  • Change Log

How to Contribute

Pull requests are welcome! Follow to know for more information on how to contribute.