yank copied to clipboard
AttributeError: module 'simtk.openmm.app.forcefield' has no attribute '_matchResidue'
Hi, I was trying to run the setup-protein.sh with my own protein in the example folder "t4-lysozyme". Here's the error,
Preparing receptor by adding missing atoms...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/vcp1/ustudent/tsee0001/.conda/envs/yanky_v3/bin/pdbfixer", line 6, in
Any help would be greatly appreciated! :(
Hi @tengjieksee . I think I saw that error before. It seems to be pdbfixer from the stack. Maybe that script is missing the call to fixer.findMissingAtoms()
before fixer.addMissingAtoms()
? I think taking a look at the pdbfixer manual should help anyway: http://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://raw.github.com/pandegroup/pdbfixer/master/Manual.html .