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AtomMapper fails when scaffolds have radicals
While trying to run the new edges in the dataset I noticed that at least one edge is failing when creating the mapping with the following error:
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[4], line 2
1 atom_mapper = atom_mapping.AtomMapper()
----> 2 atom_mapping = atom_mapper.get_best_mapping(old_molecule, new_molecule)
File ~/workdir/repos/perses/perses/rjmc/, in AtomMapper.get_best_mapping(self, old_mol, new_mol)
990 initial_time = time.time()
992 import numpy as np
--> 993 atom_mappings = self.get_all_mappings(old_mol, new_mol)
994 if (atom_mappings is None) or len(atom_mappings)==0:
995 return None
File ~/workdir/repos/perses/perses/rjmc/, in AtomMapper.get_all_mappings(self, old_mol, new_mol)
820 else:
821 # Generate scaffold maps
822 # TODO: Why are these hard-coded?
823 from openeye import oechem
--> 824 scaffold_maps = AtomMapper._get_all_maps(old_oescaffold, new_oescaffold,
825 atom_expr=oechem.OEExprOpts_RingMember | oechem.OEExprOpts_IntType,
826 bond_expr=oechem.OEExprOpts_RingMember,
827 external_inttypes=True,
828 unique=False,
829 matching_criterion=self.matching_criterion)
831 _logger.debug(f'Scaffold mapping generated {len(scaffold_maps)} maps')
833 if len(scaffold_maps) == 0:
834 # There are no scaffold maps, so attempt to generate maps between molecules using the factory parameters
File ~/workdir/repos/perses/perses/rjmc/, in AtomMapper._get_all_maps(old_oemol, new_oemol, external_inttypes, atom_expr, bond_expr, unique, matching_criterion)
1327 for match in matches:
1328 try:
-> 1329 atom_mapping = AtomMapper._create_atom_mapping(old_oemol, new_oemol, match, matching_criterion)
1330 atom_mappings.add(atom_mapping)
1331 except InvalidMappingException as e:
1332 # Mapping is not valid; skip it
File ~/workdir/repos/perses/perses/rjmc/, in AtomMapper._create_atom_mapping(old_oemol, new_oemol, match, matching_criterion)
1422 continue
1424 new_to_old_atom_map[new_index] = old_index
-> 1426 return AtomMapping(old_oemol, new_oemol, new_to_old_atom_map=new_to_old_atom_map)
File ~/workdir/repos/perses/perses/rjmc/, in AtomMapping.__init__(self, old_mol, new_mol, new_to_old_atom_map, old_to_new_atom_map)
99 # Store molecules
100 # TODO: Should we be allowing unspecified stereochemistry?
101 from openff.toolkit.topology import Molecule
--> 102 self.old_mol = Molecule(old_mol, allow_undefined_stereo=True)
103 self.new_mol = Molecule(new_mol, allow_undefined_stereo=True)
105 # Fix atom name retrieval from OEMol objects
106 # TODO: When is fixed, remove this
File ~/miniconda3/envs/perses-0.10.2/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openff/toolkit/topology/, in Molecule.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
5178 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
5179 """
5180 See FrozenMolecule.__init__
5192 """
-> 5193 super(Molecule, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
File ~/miniconda3/envs/perses-0.10.2/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openff/toolkit/topology/, in FrozenMolecule.__init__(self, other, file_format, toolkit_registry, allow_undefined_stereo)
1043 for value_error in value_errors:
1044 msg += str(value_error)
-> 1045 raise ValueError(msg)
ValueError: Cannot construct openff.toolkit.topology.Molecule from <openeye.oechem.OEMol; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'OEMolWrapper *' at 0x7f568e9683c0> >
No registered toolkits can provide the capability "from_object" for args "(<openeye.oechem.OEMol; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'OEMolWrapper *' at 0x7f568e9683c0> >,)" and kwargs "{'allow_undefined_stereo': True, '_cls': <class 'openff.toolkit.topology.molecule.Molecule'>}"
Available toolkits are: [ToolkitWrapper around OpenEye Toolkit version 2023.1.0, ToolkitWrapper around The RDKit version 2023.03.2, ToolkitWrapper around AmberTools version 22.0, ToolkitWrapper around Built-in Toolkit version None]
ToolkitWrapper around OpenEye Toolkit version 2023.1.0 <class 'openff.toolkit.utils.exceptions.RadicalsNotSupportedError'> : The OpenFF Toolkit does not currently support parsing molecules with radicals. Found 1 radical electrons on molecule [c]1[c][c]c([c][c]1)[N]c2nc3c(c(n2)O[C][C]4[C][C][C][C][C]4)N=[C][N]3.
ToolkitWrapper around The RDKit version 2023.03.2 <class 'NotImplementedError'> : Cannot create Molecule from <class 'openeye.oechem.OEMol'> object
I wonder if we have to re-evalueate how we are generating the smiles when doing the mapping such that radicals are not generated.
Lastly I just wanted to know that this is not a problem with openff-toolkit
0.10.6. The toolkit stopped supporting radicals from 0.11
The code to reproduce is as follows
from perses.rjmc import atom_mapping
from openff.toolkit.topology import Molecule
mols = Molecule.from_file("ligands.sdf")
old_molecule = mols[2]
new_molecule = mols[3]
atom_mapper = atom_mapping.AtomMapper()
atom_mapping = atom_mapper.get_best_mapping(old_molecule, new_molecule)
The ligands.sdf
file is attached as a tar.gz
file here.
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