Yuan-Chu Tai
Yuan-Chu Tai
Hi @christian-rauch Thank you for reviewing > I cannot find references to doubles_mat_to_quat Yes. `doubles_mat_to_quat` is defined but never used. But in https://github.com/AprilRobotics/apriltag/issues/90, @mkrogius suggests it can be used (with...
Hi @KopiSoftware Thank you very much for fixing. It helps me a lot
Thank you @mlag This PR fix my problem when I try to to move `Estimator` variable to local
Hi @Simba185 thank you for reporting NatNetClient.py is extraced from Optitrack's NatNet SDK. I think this problem may be solved by update this file. However, I do not have Motive...
Hi @tennisparty Could you be able to share how you reach arducam for updated libarducam_mipicamera.so? Thank you very much