Yuan-Chu Tai
Yuan-Chu Tai
I do another test today, fly in both loiter and guided. it is strong wind here. [2022-07-19 11-19-53.zip](https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot/files/9145689/2022-07-19.11-19-53.zip) > It is only happening in Loiter so it is something in...
Hi @lthall I just tested updated code. It is a good day for flight testing [2022-07-21 09-59-25.zip](https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot/files/9155624/2022-07-21.09-59-25.zip)
Hi @lthall It works fine. Except for once, copter flip over during takeoff in loiter mode. I am unable to produce it again. It probably due to soft grass field....
Hi @lthall I just tested rebased code. It works good. Thank you :) [2022-07-25 09-50-31.zip](https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot/files/9177325/2022-07-25.09-50-31.zip)
> Note to myself, check on mavlink1 or old mavlink what happens if the new field doens't exist Hi @khancyr Thank you for reviewing. It would be appreciated if you...
I have done more tests and it seems work well [2022-08-05 10-49-54.zip](https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot/files/9264903/2022-08-05.10-49-54.zip)
Hi @khancyr I add some debug message and tested it with mavlink1 msg. Original code flow is working fine.
> we probably need to be careful about Coordinate frame with this PR. What frames should we support (Probably NED)? There is a mavlink field that we can check to...
Hi @rishabsingh3003 Thank you for suggestions. I implement MAV_FRAME_BODY_FRD for 2 reasons: 1. In most vision based precision landing setup, the camera is attached in the drone. The camera reports...
Hi @rmackay9 Thank you. I have squashed and rebased on current master detailed testing https://discuss.ardupilot.org/t/precision-landing-with-multiple-apriltag/89911?u=chobitsfan