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A Golang model of the Normal (or Gaussian) distribution. To install run go get github.com/chobie/go-gaussian


Creating a Distribution

distribution := NewGausian(mean, variance)


  • mean: the mean (μ) of the distribution
  • variance: the variance (σ^2) of the distribution
  • standardDeviation: the standard deviation (σ) of the distribution

Probability Functions

  • Pdf(x): the probability density function, which describes the probability of a random variable taking on the value x
  • Cdf(x): the cumulative distribution function, which describes the probability of a random variable falling in the interval (−∞, x]
  • Ppf(x): the percent point function, the inverse of cdf

Combination Functions

  • Mul(d): returns the product distribution of this and the given distribution. If a constant is passed in the distribution is scaled.
  • Div(d): returns the quotient distribution of this and the given distribution. If a constant is passed in the distribution is scaled by 1/d.
  • Add(d): returns the result of adding this and the given distribution
  • Sub(d): returns the result of subtracting this and the given distribution
  • Scale(c): returns the result of scaling this distribution by the given constant


This is a ported version of freethenation's library