
Results 20 issues of chl916185

ERROR:tensorflow:================================== Object was never used (type ): If you want to mark it as used call its "mark_used()" method. It was originally created here: ['File "train/", line 349, in \n...


Your tensorflow is which version? i meet a error: TypeError: separable_convolution2d() got an unexpected keyword argument 'data_format' @Zehaos

我在rasa_nlu下没找到训练次数的修改参数,您能指导下吗 words in dictionary: 26649 num features: 271 now do training C: 20 epsilon: 0.01 num threads: 1 cache size: 5 max iterations: 2000 max iterations: 2000这个值怎么更改呢

我在rasa_nlu下没找到训练次数的修改参数,您能指导下吗 words in dictionary: 26649 num features: 271 now do training C: 20 epsilon: 0.01 num threads: 1 cache size: 5 max iterations: 2000 max iterations: 2000这个值怎么更改呢

模型文件, 数据能上传一份到百度云盘吗,google下载不了啊

I'm interested in your article,At the same time, I am very interested in the "A CONVNET FOR NON-MAXIMUM SUPPRESSION ", Can you share “Strong Tnet“” code for me? @hosang

How do I configure VITAE-B?
