Thank you for reporting this issue and providing a solution. Unfortunately, the code has changed so that the fix is no longer needed.
Hi there is no support yet for AUTH packets in the server component. The client already has support but the server does not. MQTT 5 is indeed supported but not...
Hi, please try with version 3.0.9. The version you are using is too old so that I cannot give any support for it. Best regards Christian
@JanEggers do you know how to still support asp 2.2? Isn't there some compiler statements for that purpose?
@bobbydog So the problem only occurs on your Linux machine? The same binary works perfectly when running on Windows 10?
Please try with 3.0.15. A few things have changed in that area.
I agree that it is better to enforce a client id for any injected application message. I will not yet change this to avoid breaking changes. Since version 4 the...
Since version 4 you can "attach" other backends to the MQTT server. The only thing you have to do is to attach to all required events (connection validation, publishing etc.)....
This library makes use of the TLS stream from .net. So if a particular feature is not available in these implementations we also do not support it. This library exposes...
No worries 😄 Please check the usage of the passed cancellation token (starting the _ConnectAsync_ method from the _MqttClient_). It can be already used for timeouts. In my opinion we...