Multicluster is provided for user to experience. This feature make it easy to develop app and try multicluster in mac/windows. But on Linux, deployment is more than development. I don't...
In fact, `velad` is basically a tool for development and try out for now. It's hard to guarantee the production-level availability in such tool. For those who wanna build production...
@isgxr Thanks for contribution! Please sign the DCO to pass the CI.
This is asking for tranlation (to Chinese) of document. Are you sure you want to take care of this? @nikhilchauhangithub
We've talked about this problem. For now, I haven't come up with an idea. With kubeconfig only, it's impossible to load images.
@ArenaSu came up with an idea. 1. Add `--skip-cluster` and param like `--registry`, so that all vela images will be pushed in this image registry. 2. Replace all image prefix...
Maybe we should split this into two commands. 1. `push-images` will push vela-core and VelaUX images to image registry, which save time for `docker pull` and `docker push`. 2. `install`...
Please sign the DCO. BTW, what do you do to preview the changes?
But there's a syntax error. If I remove that, it works. And `yarn start` should work. What do you mean by "no reflection"
@alexr018350 OK I got where's the problem. The document is versioned and you changed the latest version which you have to select `Next` in the top-right tab.