zsh-togglecursor icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
zsh-togglecursor copied to clipboard

Toggles cursor when switching between the vi command (vicmd) and insert (main) keymaps.


This plugin toggles cursor when switching between the vi command (vicmd) and insert (usually main) keymaps.



Version 5.3 or higher is required.


The terminal application that understands DECSCUSR, which fixes the style of the cursor. Terminator, Konsole, iTerm2, Apple Terminal, and Konsole are known to support the feature.


This plugin also works inside tmux if it is properly configured. Add terminal-overrides to your tmux.conf as follows:

set -ga terminal-overrides ',*:Ss=\E[%p1%d q:Se=\E[2 q'

Note: This was taken from FAQ · neovim/neovim Wiki