react-native-in-app-utils copied to clipboard
We didn't find any purchases to restore.
Hello, I am using the version 6.0.2 and sometimes cannot restore . Here is my code: InAppUtils.restorePurchases ((error, response) => { if (error) { Alert.alert ('Itunes Error', 'Could not connect to itunes store.'); } else { if (response.length === 0) { Alert.alert ('No Purchases', "We didn't find any purchases to restore."); return; } ... } Even those who successfully buy and receive invoices from Apple cannot restore with message "No Purchases', "We didn't find any purchases to restore." Is there anyone who can help me solve this problem? Thanks for your support
On my case, this method does not call its callback. Could you get it solved by the way?
I have the same problem with 6.1.0 on iOS 14 only. Response is always an empty array so now people are essentially losing their purchases.