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A MySQL session store for the express framework in node

Results 24 express-mysql-session issues
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As far as I noticed, both the session cookie has a lifetime and the entry in the mysql session store of this module. Must both expiry times have the same...

Hi! Without a pool everything works fine. If I try to use a pool: ```js const mariadb = require("mariadb"); const pool = mariadb.createPool({ database: process.env.SQL_DB, host: process.env.SQL_HOST, user: process.env.SQL_USER, password:...

Hi there, in the main modul for express sessions ( ) there is an issue for "resave" config. Maybe it is possible to work around this behavior in...

Hi, I'm having a uncommon error like this issue [this issue]( I can't find where in my code this error trigger. error: SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input at JSON.parse...

I'm using express-mysql-session with express-session and mysql2. The sessions table is created in my database but no session data gets stored. Within the app session works fine but only as...

We were having significant scaling problems using express-mysql-session and were considering switching to a different express-session storage adapter. I noticed this adapter had a disable touch parameter. We have...

Hello, I have followed to fix `PROTOCOL_CONNECTION_LOST` which worked but now I am getting `PROTOCOL_ENQUEUE_AFTER_FATAL_ERROR` Here is a snapshot of my code: ``` let connection: mysql.Connection; function handleDisconnect() {...

ER_NOT_SUPPORTED_AUTH_MODE: Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client

When a user does a password reset / changes his password, it makes sense to drop all sessions for that user. Currently the user id is stored inside a json...

The current [DefinitelyTyped]( typings are horribly out of date and frankly unusable. To fix this I created new typings, but since DefinitelyTyped is a mess and it's generally preferable to...