picobrew_pico copied to clipboard
new pi 4 and 2023 version
I was not getting pi to connect to my network and did not see picobrew. I downloaded the 2023 lite version and now I see the picobrew network, but it is still not connecting to my home network even though I did change the ssid and password to my 2.4 network. Can I can the setup from the picobrew network....if so, how do i sign in ...I am attempting to use Putty
thanx, Peter Curtin [email protected]
Login for the device unless modified in either the initial boot file or post installation is the default username:password combination for raspbian OS.
Likely what is happening is we need to base the image off of the newer raspbian builds that have support for the newer silicon firmware.
I just received my RPi 5 dev device to do additional testing on related to firmware modifications.
Check one of these builds which were one of our together for another individual https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1pxt0ivVPzOXRseO6Lk39lHK9z2dJJBu3?usp=drive_link
I haven't had time to test these fully myself.
There will be 4 different ones. 2 will be "lite" (latest and stable - relating to the wifi firmware to use) - these variants are headless meaning no desktop experience, just terminal output 2 will be "full" (same latest and stable) and these will have a more desktop experience included
Thx for quick response…will try Peter
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On Tuesday, January 9, 2024, 3:28 PM, Trevor Mack @.***> wrote:
Check one of these builds which were one of our together for another individual https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1pxt0ivVPzOXRseO6Lk39lHK9z2dJJBu3?usp=drive_link
I haven't had time to test these fully myself.
There will be 4 different ones. 2 will be "lite" (latest and stable - relating to the wifi firmware to use) - these variants are headless meaning no desktop experience, just terminal output 2 will be "full" (same latest and stable) and these will have a more desktop experience included
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Trevor, I loaded 2023-08-20-picobrew-pico-lite and it worked!!!...I was able to get into the console on my lan using putty.... Now what...Is there a manual I can read for setting up my pico on the picobrew network (which I see on my analyzer) AND is there anything I need to do on the raspberry side to actually setup my brew. I have one of the plastic bin kits and am now excited again to get started..... Does this version have a gui interface? If not, will there be one coming?
I tried to get even this far about a year ago with an old raspberry and failed.
Thanx again for all your help!!! Peter
On Tuesday, January 9, 2024 at 08:59:09 PM PST, Peter Curtin ***@***.***> wrote:
Thx for quick response…will try Peter
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
On Tuesday, January 9, 2024, 3:28 PM, Trevor Mack @.***> wrote:
Check one of these builds which were one of our together for another individual https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1pxt0ivVPzOXRseO6Lk39lHK9z2dJJBu3?usp=drive_link
I haven't had time to test these fully myself.
There will be 4 different ones. 2 will be "lite" (latest and stable - relating to the wifi firmware to use) - these variants are headless meaning no desktop experience, just terminal output 2 will be "full" (same latest and stable) and these will have a more desktop experience included
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The GUI is web based. The Pi hosts a python+flask webserver and uses nginx as a way to provide self signed certificates and run on both http and https depending on the interface used by the Pico device.
https://trevor-mack.com/picobrew-raspberrypi-setup/ has most of the setup instructions as well as the Release Notes on GitHub here.
Basically you connect the Pico device to the PICOBREW network and setup recipe instructions on the web interface defaulted exposed at http://raspberrypi/ (some networks you need to access the IP address of the Pi as some residential routers block local domain resolution by hostname as this can often times be insecure access patterns attempted by attackers.
Progress is being made....I got in using a normal browser and attempted to look at the library...it is empty....how do I load existing recipes? thanx again for getting me this far....now I have to see if my picobrew which has been sitting for over a year will even work again!!!
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On Saturday, January 13, 2024, 5:33 AM, Trevor Mack @.***> wrote:
The GUI is web based. The Pi hosts a python+flask webserver and uses nginx as a way to provide self signed certificates and run on both http and https depending on the interface used by the Pico device.
https://trevor-mack.com/picobrew-raspberrypi-setup/ has most of the setup instructions as well as the Release Notes on GitHub here.
Basically you connect the Pico device to the PICOBREW network and setup recipe instructions on the web interface defaulted exposed at http://raspberrypi/ (some networks you need to access the IP address of the Pi as some residential routers block local domain resolution by hostname as this can often times be insecure access patterns attempted by attackers.
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There are some sample base style recipes to reference in the help section.
Though as far as the pi experience it was purely developed to be simple and purely to control the Pico device vs craft recipes directly.
I also have a free to use crafter hosted online that is specifically targeting Pico device efficiencies at crafter.pilotbatchbrewing.com that has one way syncing to our rPi solution you can use to populate the machine instructions into the 'recipe library', but for me I typically have 1-2 mash schedules and adhoc set up to the maybe 5-7 hopping schedules making for only 15-18 unique "recipes" that I've used to brew 100s of batches of beer over the years.
so to do the syncing, i have to have my picobrew online?...there is no way to just populate with .xml files(I tried, it fails) I am visiting my mom, so if I need physical access to pico...will have to wait till I am home Admission: Although I was a programmer and can get around. I loved the pico for its plug and play. I want to make beer again, but I don't want all the complexities of making up recipes. I just want to copy and paste and brew!
On Saturday, January 13, 2024 at 12:37:04 PM PST, Trevor Mack ***@***.***> wrote:
There are some sample base style recipes to reference in the help section.
Though as far as the pi experience it was purely developed to be simple and purely to control the Pico device vs craft recipes directly.
I also have a free to use crafter hosted online that is specifically targeting Pico device efficiencies at crafter.pilotbatchbrewing.com that has one way syncing to our rPi solution you can use to populate the machine instructions into the 'recipe library', but for me I typically have 1-2 mash schedules and adhoc set up to the maybe 5-7 hopping schedules making for only 15-18 unique "recipes" that I've used to brew 100s of batches of beer over the years.
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The RPi doesn't support importing xml, only the JSON format that the RPi server is built on which isn't a common beer recipe format.
However... My BrewCrafter website linked earlier will import and scale a beerxml for the Pico machines (or should, let me know if you have issues with that).
Then when your desired beerxml is uploaded to BrewCrafter you can sync it to the RPi (needs to be network local to your device browsing BrewCrafter since I use local JavaScript ajax queries to get it over - unless you put your RPi on a public IP address or a VPN tunnel or something of that sort... ).
Really the RPi recipe interface just controls time at temperature of the machine and doesn't care one bit about ingredients... So if you use BrewFather or just source kits, create a new recipe in the RPi interface and set up the "machine instructions" accordingly for the mash and hopping/boil schedule you desire for that session. It really doesn't have to be complicated.
Default new recipe is even good enough for a large number of styles (as long as you change the hop schedule appropriate to what you are brewing).
Trevor, I have successfully connected my picobrew to the next work and am presently doing g a deep clean. The pump on the black hose was initial stuck but now is working. Presently on adjunct 1…adjunct 2, adjunct 3 and 4 …so I think it all works again. Now to find some grains and hops in Santa Barbara!! Thx for all your help!!!
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On Saturday, January 13, 2024, 7:18 PM, Trevor Mack @.***> wrote:
The RPi doesn't support importing xml, only the JSON format that the RPi server is built on which isn't a common beer recipe format.
However... My BrewCrafter website linked earlier will import and scale a beerxml for the Pico machines (or should, let me know if you have issues with that).
Then when your desired beerxml is uploaded to BrewCrafter you can sync it to the RPi (needs to be network local to your device browsing BrewCrafter since I use local JavaScript ajax queries to get it over - unless you put your RPi on a public IP address or a VPN tunnel or something of that sort... ).
Really the RPi recipe interface just controls time at temperature of the machine and doesn't care one bit about ingredients... So if you use BrewFather or just source kits, create a new recipe in the RPi interface and set up the "machine instructions" accordingly for the mash and hopping/boil schedule you desire for that session. It really doesn't have to be complicated.
Default new recipe is even good enough for a large number of styles (as long as you change the hop schedule appropriate to what you are brewing).
Screenshot_20240113-221643.png (view on web)
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Actually adjunct 4 then 3??
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
On Saturday, January 13, 2024, 7:18 PM, Trevor Mack @.***> wrote:
The RPi doesn't support importing xml, only the JSON format that the RPi server is built on which isn't a common beer recipe format.
However... My BrewCrafter website linked earlier will import and scale a beerxml for the Pico machines (or should, let me know if you have issues with that).
Then when your desired beerxml is uploaded to BrewCrafter you can sync it to the RPi (needs to be network local to your device browsing BrewCrafter since I use local JavaScript ajax queries to get it over - unless you put your RPi on a public IP address or a VPN tunnel or something of that sort... ).
Really the RPi recipe interface just controls time at temperature of the machine and doesn't care one bit about ingredients... So if you use BrewFather or just source kits, create a new recipe in the RPi interface and set up the "machine instructions" accordingly for the mash and hopping/boil schedule you desire for that session. It really doesn't have to be complicated.
Default new recipe is even good enough for a large number of styles (as long as you change the hop schedule appropriate to what you are brewing).
Screenshot_20240113-221643.png (view on web)
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Trevor, Not sure if you got my last email...but I finally got around to deep cleaning my pico once it was connect to the PI....I am using your brewcrafter 2, but when I try to sync to the picobrew machine, it does not and I do not have a pico z....just the basic picobrew.
Am I missing something? Peter
On Saturday, February 3, 2024 at 01:07:34 PM PST, Peter Curtin ***@***.***> wrote:
Actually adjunct 4 then 3??
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
On Saturday, January 13, 2024, 7:18 PM, Trevor Mack @.***> wrote:
The RPi doesn't support importing xml, only the JSON format that the RPi server is built on which isn't a common beer recipe format.
However... My BrewCrafter website linked earlier will import and scale a beerxml for the Pico machines (or should, let me know if you have issues with that).
Then when your desired beerxml is uploaded to BrewCrafter you can sync it to the RPi (needs to be network local to your device browsing BrewCrafter since I use local JavaScript ajax queries to get it over - unless you put your RPi on a public IP address or a VPN tunnel or something of that sort... ).
Really the RPi recipe interface just controls time at temperature of the machine and doesn't care one bit about ingredients... So if you use BrewFather or just source kits, create a new recipe in the RPi interface and set up the "machine instructions" accordingly for the mash and hopping/boil schedule you desire for that session. It really doesn't have to be complicated.
Default new recipe is even good enough for a large number of styles (as long as you change the hop schedule appropriate to what you are brewing).
Screenshot_20240113-221643.png (view on web)
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Trevor, I made my first post chapter 13 of picobrew beer yesterday....it is a west coast ipa and I just used one of the standard recipes. Luckily the brewery at the local craft brewery (Draughtsman in Goleta) took pity on my and got me my first ingrediants. Hand cracked the grain, so we will see how that works.... thanx again for all your help...I think I now understand the process....which I never did before....just put in water and the packs and pushed a button.
On Monday, February 5, 2024 at 12:29:02 PM PST, Peter Curtin ***@***.***> wrote:
Trevor, Not sure if you got my last email...but I finally got around to deep cleaning my pico once it was connect to the PI....I am using your brewcrafter 2, but when I try to sync to the picobrew machine, it does not and I do not have a pico z....just the basic picobrew.
Am I missing something? Peter
On Saturday, February 3, 2024 at 01:07:34 PM PST, Peter Curtin ***@***.***> wrote:
Actually adjunct 4 then 3??
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
On Saturday, January 13, 2024, 7:18 PM, Trevor Mack @.***> wrote:
The RPi doesn't support importing xml, only the JSON format that the RPi server is built on which isn't a common beer recipe format.
However... My BrewCrafter website linked earlier will import and scale a beerxml for the Pico machines (or should, let me know if you have issues with that).
Then when your desired beerxml is uploaded to BrewCrafter you can sync it to the RPi (needs to be network local to your device browsing BrewCrafter since I use local JavaScript ajax queries to get it over - unless you put your RPi on a public IP address or a VPN tunnel or something of that sort... ).
Really the RPi recipe interface just controls time at temperature of the machine and doesn't care one bit about ingredients... So if you use BrewFather or just source kits, create a new recipe in the RPi interface and set up the "machine instructions" accordingly for the mash and hopping/boil schedule you desire for that session. It really doesn't have to be complicated.
Default new recipe is even good enough for a large number of styles (as long as you change the hop schedule appropriate to what you are brewing).
Screenshot_20240113-221643.png (view on web)
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Awesome, glad you have cracked the nut.
BrewCrafter2 syncing to RPi only works 1) with the client device (browser) on the same network as the RPi (or at least available to access the FQDN of where the webserver of the RPi is hosted) and 2) if using the out of the box installation as you are, you will need to explicitly accept the "unsecure / self-signed ssl certificates" as trusted to allow your browser to communicate to it form the BrewCrafter2 website.