Federico M. Facca

Results 68 issues of Federico M. Facca

hi, i think it would be good to have a v2 version of the apis that works totally based on uris. e.g. /v2/services/ /v2/services/{id} /v2/services/{id}/devices /v2/services/{id}/devices/{id} feelings?

currently there is no authentication support for the self subscription of agents to the IoT Agent Manager


it looks like authentication is supported only via keystone: https://github.com/telefonicaid/iotagent-node-lib/blob/master/lib/command/commandLine.js#L666 but officially oauth is the FIWARE auth protocol.

i have done only basic tests, but basically, the process of device provisioning freezes until timeout is reached, and the device is not registered. response should be faster probably. options...

This is a bit tricky, as matter of fact you need to add the users after the creation of the cluster.

help wanted

it would be nice to support sharding. relevant information and examples can be found at the following links: - https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/sharding/ - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41815916/docker-with-mongodb-3-4-replica-shard - https://github.com/jfollenfant/mongodb-sharding-docker-compose - https://github.com/singram/mongo-docker-compose/blob/master/docker-compose.yml we should check if...


There should not be any reason why local test could not be used for travis ci. This will allow to reduce the test maintenance burden.

Hi, as @amotl knows we have a plugin (https://github.com/orchestracities/grafana-map-plugin) that - displays geometries over maps leveraging `geo_shapes` stored in cratedb - allows to define an field to be used as...

push_options are not set as environmental variables, due to that, they cannot be passed to the shell script https://github.com/creyD/prettier_action/blob/9561a3f1e164fa28b6f4da59c1807e1cd1af7cf5/action.yml#L70-L83
