in.touch2 copied to clipboard
Attached C# / Mono assemblies
I was looking to reverse engineer the protocol also and found your project, thanks for sharing!
I copied the Mono/C# source code out of the android apk file. Figured it might be of some use to you for working out the rest of the protocol. I'm looking into it but have little experience with C#.
Spent a few hours digging into the code and I've worked out a few things. Managed to get the setting of the watercare and turning on/off of the light. The watercare should work for all devices, however part of the light command is specific to the model / firmware (might work for you, might not).
SetWatercareAwayFromHome = '<PACKT><SRCCN>%s</SRCCN><DESCN>%s</DESCN><DATAS>SETWC%d\x00</DATAS></PACKT>'
SetWatercareStandard = '<PACKT><SRCCN>%s</SRCCN><DESCN>%s</DESCN><DATAS>SETWC%d\x01</DATAS></PACKT>'
SetWatercareEnergySaving = '<PACKT><SRCCN>%s</SRCCN><DESCN>%s</DESCN><DATAS>SETWC%d\x02</DATAS></PACKT>'
SetWatercareSupersaver = '<PACKT><SRCCN>%s</SRCCN><DESCN>%s</DESCN><DATAS>SETWC%d\x03</DATAS></PACKT>'
SetWatercareWeekender = '<PACKT><SRCCN>%s</SRCCN><DESCN>%s</DESCN><DATAS>SETWC%d\x04</DATAS></PACKT>'
SetLightOn = '<PACKT><SRCCN>%s</SRCCN><DESCN>%s</DESCN><DATAS>SPACK%d\x0A\x06\x46\x3D\x3D\x01\x33\x01</DATAS></PACKT>'
SetLightOff = '<PACKT><SRCCN>%s</SRCCN><DESCN>%s</DESCN><DATAS>SPACK%d\x0A\x06\x46\x3D\x3D\x01\x33\x00</DATAS></PACKT>'
Let me know if you're still interested in this and I can post details on what else if find.
The SpaPack definition file can be found here:
Yeah I found that thanks :) I worked out how to set the watercare, jets, temperature units (I use Celcius), and lock mode. I'd commit it as a PR but it's going to be specific to the model I'm using and I've not bothered to write something that dynamically reads SpaPackStruct.xml
SetWatercareAwayFromHome = '<PACKT><SRCCN>%s</SRCCN><DESCN>%s</DESCN><DATAS>SETWC%d\x00</DATAS></PACKT>'
SetWatercareStandard = '<PACKT><SRCCN>%s</SRCCN><DESCN>%s</DESCN><DATAS>SETWC%d\x01</DATAS></PACKT>'
SetWatercareEnergySaving = '<PACKT><SRCCN>%s</SRCCN><DESCN>%s</DESCN><DATAS>SETWC%d\x02</DATAS></PACKT>'
SetWatercareSupersaver = '<PACKT><SRCCN>%s</SRCCN><DESCN>%s</DESCN><DATAS>SETWC%d\x03</DATAS></PACKT>'
SetWatercareWeekender = '<PACKT><SRCCN>%s</SRCCN><DESCN>%s</DESCN><DATAS>SETWC%d\x04</DATAS></PACKT>'
# The following instructions require information about the SpaPackStructure for a particular model / revision.
# This can be found by inspecting the xml avaliable here:
# SPACK Data structure: Starts with "SPACK%d" - %d is the sequence number.
# Byte1: PackTypeNumber # 10
# This is an enum between 0 - 10 depending on the model of spa. e.g. For inYT this is 10
# <PackType Type="Enum" Pos="289" Items="Unknown|inXE|MasIBC|MIA|DJS4|inClear|inXM|K600|inTerface|inTouch|inYT" />
# Byte2: 5 + value.length = 6
# This is 5 plus the length of the data from byte 8 onwards (typically only one or two bytes)
# Byte3: GeckoNETCommandID # 70
# This is the command type to be sent (I think PACKS is 70 for all)
# Byte4: ConfigurationLibrary # 61
# Version of the configuration structure used
# Byte5: LogLibrary # 61
# Version of the log structure used
# Byte6: Floor( POS / 256)
# Byte7: POS % 256
# These two bytes are set by looking up the data we are setting in the platform.xml and finding it's POS value.
# e.g. for the light we lookup UdLi in the xml and find:
# <UdLi Type="Enum" Pos="307" Items="OFF|HI" RW="ALL" />
# so POS=301
# byte 6: Floor(301/256) = 1
# byte 7: 301 % 256 = 51
# Byte8+: value (MSBFirst)
# So for our complete example of turning on the light we would get
# Decimal: 10 6 70 61 61 1 51 1
# Hex: \x0A\x06\x46\x3D\x3D\x01\x33\x01
SetLightOn = '<PACKT><SRCCN>%s</SRCCN><DESCN>%s</DESCN><DATAS>SPACK%d\x0A\x06\x46\x3D\x3D\x01\x33\x01</DATAS></PACKT>'
SetLightOff = '<PACKT><SRCCN>%s</SRCCN><DESCN>%s</DESCN><DATAS>SPACK%d\x0A\x06\x46\x3D\x3D\x01\x33\x00</DATAS></PACKT>'
SetLockOn = '<PACKT><SRCCN>%s</SRCCN><DESCN>%s</DESCN><DATAS>SPACK%d\x0A\x06\x46\x3D\x3D\x01\x36\x02</DATAS></PACKT>'
SetLockPartial = '<PACKT><SRCCN>%s</SRCCN><DESCN>%s</DESCN><DATAS>SPACK%d\x0A\x06\x46\x3D\x3D\x01\x36\x01</DATAS></PACKT>'
SetLockOff = '<PACKT><SRCCN>%s</SRCCN><DESCN>%s</DESCN><DATAS>SPACK%d\x0A\x06\x46\x3D\x3D\x01\x36\x00</DATAS></PACKT>'
SetTempUnitF = '<PACKT><SRCCN>%s</SRCCN><DESCN>%s</DESCN><DATAS>SPACK%d\x0A\x06\x46\x3D\x3D\x00\x21\x00</DATAS></PACKT>'
SetTempUnitC = '<PACKT><SRCCN>%s</SRCCN><DESCN>%s</DESCN><DATAS>SPACK%d\x0A\x06\x46\x3D\x3D\x00\x21\x01</DATAS></PACKT>'
SetTemp38 = '<PACKT><SRCCN>%s</SRCCN><DESCN>%s</DESCN><DATAS>SPACK%d\x0A\x07\x46\x3D\x3D\x00\x01\x02\xAC</DATAS></PACKT>'
SetTemp36 = '<PACKT><SRCCN>%s</SRCCN><DESCN>%s</DESCN><DATAS>SPACK%d\x0A\x07\x46\x3D\x3D\x00\x01\x02\x88</DATAS></PACKT>'
SetJet1 = '<PACKT><SRCCN>%s</SRCCN><DESCN>%s</DESCN><DATAS>SPACK%d\x0A\x02\x39\x01</DATAS></PACKT>'
SetJet2 = '<PACKT><SRCCN>%s</SRCCN><DESCN>%s</DESCN><DATAS>SPACK%d\x0A\x02\x39\x02</DATAS></PACKT>'
SetJet3 = '<PACKT><SRCCN>%s</SRCCN><DESCN>%s</DESCN><DATAS>SPACK%d\x0A\x02\x39\x06</DATAS></PACKT>'
Also decode some more of the status message
if (seq == 0):
(junk1, tempUnits, junk2) = unpack('>34sb5s', rest)
# Some interesting fields are present in the 7th message
if (seq == 7):
(f1, f2, f3, setpoint, temp, junk1, PackType, junk2,PackConfigLib, PackStatusLib, YT1, YT2, YT3, config, j1, j2, j3, j4, lights, junk3, lockStatus, junk4) = unpack('>bbbhh10sb5sbbhbbhbbbbb2sbb', rest)
Did you ever find out how to push out commands to intouch2?
Here is a quick script that dumps all the values and descriptions of the status messages. The scripts requests a status update. The offset/position of every byte in the response is then looked up in the LogStructure/ConfigStructure and the tagname is printed out. For boolean values, the BitPosition is shown as well.
import socket
import struct
from struct import *
import re
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
global sock
global server_address
global sqn
# Replace xxx with ID
# Replace yyy with MAC
statu = '<PACKT><SRCCN>xxxxxxxxx</SRCCN><DESCN>yyyyy</DESCN><DATAS>STATU#SEQ#\x00\x00\x02\x00</DATAS></PACKT>'
# Download SpaPackStruct.xml from
# Replace IP address below
def connect():
global sock
global sqn
global server_address
# Create a UDP socket
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
sock.bind(('', 0))
localport = sock.getsockname()[1]
sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST,1)
# We'll wait up to 20 second for a response
connected = True
server_address = ('', 10022)
print "Connected. ", server_address
sqn = 1
def send(msg):
global sqn
buf = msg.replace('#SEQ#', struct.pack('b', sqn))
# print >>sys.stderr, 'sending "%s"' % buf
sent = sock.sendto(buf, server_address)
sqn = sqn + 1
def recv():
data, server = sock.recvfrom(4096)
print "Timeout! No data received.."
return None
return data
def disconnect():
def getStatusVerbose(log, config):
position = 0
while True:
data = recv()
m ='<DATAS>STATV(.*)</DATAS>', data, re.DOTALL)
(seq, next, rest) = unpack('>bb{}s'.format(len(,
#print "Seq: %s. Next: %s. Length: %s" % (seq, next, len(rest))
#print [hex(ord(c)) for c in rest]
position = position - 1
for c in rest:
print position, hex(ord(c)), lookup(log, position), lookup(config, position)
if (next == 0):
def lookup(root, index):
t = root.findall(".//*[@Pos='"+str(index)+"']")
result = ""
for e in t:
if ('BitPos' in e.attrib):
result = result + e.tag + "(" + e.attrib['BitPos'] + "),"
result = result + e.tag + ","
return result
tree = ET.parse('SpaPackStruct.xml')
# Replace 'InYT' with the applicable model
# Hardcoded to use the first structure/version of Log and Config Structures
log = tree.findall(".//*[@Name='InYT']/LogStructures[0]/LogStructure")
config = tree.findall(".//*[@Name='InYT']/ConfigStructures[0]/ConfigStructure")
getStatusVerbose(log[0], config[0])
From the SpaPackStruct:
<RealSetPointG Type="Word" Pos="275" />
<DisplayedTempG Type="Word" Pos="277" />
And from the output below:
275 0x1 RealSetPointG,
276 0xe
277 0x2 DisplayedTempG,
278 0xa8
0x10e => 270 => 270/10 + 32 = 59F (RealSetPointG) 0x2a8 => 680 => 680/10 + 32 = 100F (DisplayedTempG)
0 0x5 ConfigNumber,
1 0x1 SetpointG,
2 0xe
3 0x2 FiltFreq,
4 0xc FiltStart,
5 0x0
6 0x2 FiltDur,
7 0x0
8 0xc EconStart,
9 0x0
10 0x6 EconDur,
11 0x0
12 0x0 Out1,
13 0x1 Out2,
14 0x0 Out3,
15 0x3 Out4,
16 0x2 Out5,
17 0x0 Out6,
18 0x0 Out7,
19 0x0 Out8,
20 0x0 Out9,
21 0x0 Out10,
22 0x0 Out11,
23 0x0 Out12,
24 0x0 Direct,
25 0x0 Direct2,
26 0xe OutHtr,
27 0x1 CpUsage,
28 0x0 O3Usage,
29 0x0 O3Pump,
30 0x0 O3Type,
31 0x1 HeaterPump,
32 0x2 FiltInterface,
33 0x0 TempUnits,
34 0x1 TimeFormat,
35 0x1e CooldownTime,
36 0x0 Out1Cur,
37 0xa Out2Cur,
38 0x0 Out3Cur,
38 0x27 Out3Cur,
39 0xa Out4Cur,
40 0x4 Out5Cur,
41 0x0 Out6Cur,
42 0x0 Out7Cur,
43 0x0 Out8Cur,
44 0x0 Out9Cur,
45 0x0 Out10Cur,
46 0x0 Out11Cur,
47 0x0 Out12Cur,
48 0x0 DirectCur,
49 0x0 Direct2Cur,
50 0x11 OutHtRCur,
51 0x0 UL_CE,
52 0x1 NbPhases,
53 0x30 InputCurrent,
54 0x14 PumpTimeOut,
55 0x78 LightTimeOut,
56 0xf0 L120TimeOut,
57 0x2 OtOption,
58 0x14 OTTriggerG,
59 0x2 CpOnTimeDuringOT,
60 0x4 CpOffTimeDuringOT,
61 0x2 FiltOnTimeDuringOT,
62 0x28 FiltSuspendTime,
63 0x28 O3SuspendTime,
64 0x0 AmbiantOHTrigADC,
65 0x73
66 0x1 MinSetpointG,
67 0xe
68 0x2 MaxSetpointG,
69 0xd0
70 0x0 EconType,
71 0x1 EconProgAvailable,
72 0x6 EconControlableManually(2),SoakOnCustomKey(0),OffOnCustomKey(1),CleanupOnCustomKey(3),AuxOnCustomKey(4),QuickOnOffCustomKey(5),
73 0x1 MasterSlave,
74 0x0 InputMenu,
75 0x0 SlaveConfig,
76 0x0 MultiKeyOption,
77 0x0 NoHeatPeriod,
77 0x27 NoHeatPeriod,
78 0x0 DrainMode,
79 0xf OutLi,
80 0x2 LightInts,
81 0x5 L120Timer(0),PurgeSpeed(2),ProbeLocation(3),Pump1UserAccess(1),SelfCleanMsg(4),BlowerKeyOption(5),HeaterSoftStart(6),HeaterSoftStop(7),
82 0x0 UDProgEcon(0),
83 0x2 Out1Fuse,
84 0x0 Out2Fuse,
85 0x2 Out3Fuse,
86 0x1 Out4Fuse,
87 0x1 Out5Fuse,
88 0x3 Out6Fuse,
89 0x3 Out7Fuse,
90 0x3 Out8Fuse,
91 0x5 Out9Fuse,
92 0x5 Out10Fuse,
93 0x4 Out11Fuse,
94 0x4 Out12Fuse,
95 0x1 Direct1Fuse,
96 0x3 Direct2Fuse,
97 0x6 OutHtrFuse,
98 0x14 F1Current,
99 0xf F2Current,
100 0xf F3Current,
101 0xf F21Current,
102 0xf F22Current,
103 0xf F23Current,
104 0x6 F1Line,
105 0x6 F2Line,
106 0x6 F3Line,
107 0x6 F21Line,
108 0x6 F22Line,
109 0x6 F23Line,
110 0x0 KeypadTherapySupport(0),CustomKeyEnabled(1),ConfigChange(2),BreakerChange(3),KeypadBacklightColor(4),KeypadBacklightEdit(7),
111 0x0 CustomerID,
112 0x0 ModeKeyAsInvertDisplayKey(1),InfoMsgConfig(2),LowerSetpointMenu(4),SinglePumpKey(6),
113 0x0 KeypadOptions4,
114 0x0 MaxNumberOfPhases,
115 0x0 CoolZoneMode,
116 0x0 FiltDur2,
116 0x27 FiltDur2,
117 0x0
118 0x0 WaterfallTimeOut,
119 0x0 WaterfallAsCP(2),AuxAsBubbleGen(1),DealerLockSupport(0),
120 0x0 AuxTimeOut,
121 0x0 LockEnabled,
122 0x0 MinimumInputCurrent,
123 0x0 Zone1Led(0),Zone1Type(1),MapZone1ToOut1(4),MapZone1ToOut2(5),MapZone1ToOut3(6),MapZone1ToOut4(7),
124 0x0 Zone2Led(0),Zone2Type(1),MapZone2ToOut1(4),MapZone2ToOut2(5),MapZone2ToOut3(6),MapZone2ToOut4(7),
125 0x0 Zone3Led(0),Zone3Type(1),MapZone3ToOut1(4),MapZone3ToOut2(5),MapZone3ToOut3(6),MapZone3ToOut4(7),
126 0x0 Zone4Led(0),Zone4Type(1),MapZone4ToOut1(4),MapZone4ToOut2(5),MapZone4ToOut3(6),MapZone4ToOut4(7),
127 0x0 NumberOfZones(0),MappingEnable(7),
128 0x0 OnzenStart,
129 0x0
130 0x0 OnzenDur,
131 0x0
132 0x0 OnzenFreq,
133 0x0 ExerciseType,
134 0x0 ExerciseControl,
135 0x0 ExercisePumpsUsed(0),ExerciseDedicatedPumps(7),
136 0x0 ExerciseNumberOfIntensity,
137 0x0 ExercisePumpCombination1,
138 0x0
139 0x0 ExercisePumpCombination2,
140 0x0
141 0x0 ExercisePumpCombination3,
142 0x0
143 0x0 ExercisePumpCombination4,
144 0x0
145 0x0 ExercisePumpCombination5,
146 0x0
147 0x0 ExercisePumpCombination6,
148 0x0
149 0x0 ExercisePumpCombination7,
150 0x0
151 0x0 ExercisePumpCombination8,
152 0x0
153 0x0 ExercisePumpCombination9,
154 0x0
155 0x0 ExercisePumpCombination10,
155 0x27 ExercisePumpCombination10,
156 0x0
157 0x0 SilentMode,
158 0x0 SilentDuration,
159 0x0
160 0x0
161 0x0
162 0x0
163 0x0
164 0x0
165 0x0
166 0x0
167 0x0
168 0x0
169 0x0
170 0x0
171 0x0
172 0x0
173 0x0
174 0x0
175 0x0
176 0x0
177 0x0
178 0x0
179 0x0
180 0x0
181 0x0
182 0x0
183 0x0
184 0x0
185 0x0
186 0x0
187 0x0
188 0x0
189 0x0
190 0x0
191 0x0
192 0x0
193 0x0
194 0x0
194 0x27
195 0x0
196 0x0
197 0x0
198 0x0
199 0x0
200 0x0
201 0x0
202 0x0
203 0x0
204 0x0
205 0x0
206 0x0
207 0x0
208 0x0
209 0x0
210 0x0
211 0x0
212 0x0
213 0x0
214 0x0
215 0x0
216 0x0
217 0x0
218 0x0
219 0x0
220 0x0
221 0x0
222 0x0
223 0x0
224 0x0
225 0x0
226 0x0
227 0x0
228 0x0
229 0x0
230 0x0
231 0x0
232 0x0
233 0x0
233 0x27
234 0x0
235 0x0
236 0x0
237 0x0
238 0x0
239 0x0
240 0x0
241 0x0
242 0x0
243 0x0
244 0x0
245 0x0
246 0x0
247 0x0
248 0x0
249 0x0
250 0x0
251 0x0
252 0x0
253 0x0
254 0x0
255 0x0
256 0x1 Hours,
257 0x0 QuietState,
258 0x0 UdP5(0),UdBL(1),
259 0x0 UdP1(0),UdP2(2),UdP3(4),UdP4(6),
260 0x0 P5(0),BL(1),CP(2),O3(3),L120(4),MSTR_HEATER(5),SLV_HEATER(6),Waterfall(7),Heating(5),
261 0x0 P1(0),P2(2),P3(4),P4(6),
262 0x5 FilterAccess(0),EconomyAccess(2),OnzenAccess(1),
263 0x0 RemoteFiltAction,
264 0x0 RemoteFiltDur,
265 0x0
266 0x0 RemoteFiltDurPerDay,
267 0x4 RemoteEconAction,
268 0x0 RemoteEconDur,
269 0x2d
270 0xff RemoteConfigIndex,
271 0xff RemoteNbOfPhases,
272 0xff RemoteBreakerIndex,
272 0x27 RemoteBreakerIndex,
273 0x0 Clean(0),Purge(2),FiltSuspendByUD(3),FiltSuspendedByOT(4),FiltSuspendedByErr(5),
274 0x0 StickDetected(6),CPOT(2),OverTemp(1),ThermFuseErr(3),inFloPressureSwDetected(5),
275 0x1 RealSetPointG,
276 0xe
277 0x2 DisplayedTempG,
278 0xa8
279 0x0 TempNotValid(2),ExtProbeDetected(6),
280 0x0 CheckFlo(2),RhFloDetected(0),
281 0x6 ProgEconActive(1),EconActive(2),
282 0x0 SwmPurgeSusp(3),SwmPurge(5),SwmActive(6),ThermistanceErr(0),AmbiantOHLevel2(1),
283 0x0 KinPumpOff(2),RegOverHeat(3),RhHwHL(0),RhRegProbeErr(1),RhRegSlope(4),
284 0x0 HtrSuspendByPwrMng(0),Htr2SuspendByPwrMng(1),P1HStuck(3),P2HStuck(4),HeaterStuck(5),RelayStuck(6),
285 0x0 PackBootID,
286 0x15
287 0x6 PackBootRev,
288 0x0 PackBootRel,
289 0xa PackType,
290 0x3 PackMemRange(0),PackRegion(2),
291 0x0 PackCoreID,
292 0x14
293 0x17 PackCoreRev,
294 0x0 PackCoreRel,
295 0x35 PackConfigLib,
296 0x35 PackStatusLib,
297 0x0 PackConfID,
298 0xb1
299 0x3 PackConfRev,
300 0x0 PackConfRel,
301 0x0 PackNumberOfConf,
302 0x5
303 0x0 UdPumpTime,
304 0x0 UdQuietTime,
305 0x0 UdLightTime,
306 0x0 UdL120Time,
307 0x0 UdLi,
308 0x0 UdL120,
309 0x0 RhHrKinNoFlo(0),RhNoFloXTries(1),FLCErr(3),
310 0x0 LockMode,
311 0x15 inTCipDelay,
311 0x27 inTCipDelay,
312 0x18
313 0x0 SwmRisk,
314 0x0 SlaveFloDetected(0),
315 0x0 SlaveKinNoFloErr(0),SlaveNoFloErr(1),
316 0x0 PackLogTrig,
317 0x2 RhWaterTemp,
318 0xa5
319 0x0 Menu,
320 0x0 SOut1,
321 0x0 SOut2,
322 0x0 SOut3,
323 0x0 SOut4,
324 0x0 SOut5,
325 0x0 SOut6,
326 0x0 SOutHtr,SOut7,
327 0x0 SOut1Cur,SOut8,
328 0x0 SOut2Cur,SOut9,
329 0x0 SOut3Cur,SOut10,
330 0x0 SOut4Cur,SOut11,
331 0x0 SOut5Cur,SOut12,
332 0x0 SDirect,
333 0x0 SOutHtrCur,SDirect2,
334 0x0
335 0x0
336 0x0
337 0x0
338 0x0
339 0x0
340 0x0 SOut6Cur,
341 0x0 SOut7Cur,
342 0x0 SOut8Cur,
343 0x0 SOut9Cur,
344 0x0 SOut10Cur,
345 0x0 SOut11Cur,
346 0x0 SOut12Cur,
347 0x0 SDirectCur,
348 0x0 SDirect2Cur,
349 0x0
350 0x0 SlaveHtrSuspendByPwrMng(0),SlaveHtr2SuspendByPwrMng(1),SlaveP1HStuck(3),SlaveP2HStuck(4),SlaveHtrStuck(5),SlaveRelayStuck(6),
350 0x27 SlaveHtrSuspendByPwrMng(0),SlaveHtr2SuspendByPwrMng(1),SlaveP1HStuck(3),SlaveP2HStuck(4),SlaveHtrStuck(5),SlaveRelayStuck(6),
351 0x0 SlaveKinPumpOff(2),SlaveRegOverHeat(3),SlaveHLErr(0),SlaveRegProbeErr(1),SlaveRegSlope(4),
352 0x0 SlaveOverTemp(1),SlaveThermFuseErr(3),
353 0x0 SlaveSwmPurge(5),SlaveSwmActive(6),SlaveThermistanceErr(0),SlaveAmbiantOHLevel2(1),
354 0x0 SlaveMissingErr(0),
355 0x1 SwmAdc,
356 0x76
357 0x1 KeypadType,
358 0x0 KeypadID,
359 0x0
360 0x0 KeypadRev,
361 0x0 KeypadRel,
362 0x0 UdWaterFallTime,
363 0x0 UdWaterfall,
364 0x0 DealerLockStatus,
365 0x0 DealerLockSeed,
366 0x0
367 0x0 DealerLockKey,
368 0x0
369 0x0 UdAuxTime,
370 0x0 UdAux,
371 0x0 inFloRatio,
372 0x0 inFloRatioMinimum,
373 0x0 inFloRatioMaximum,
374 0x0 inFloErrorType,
375 0x0 ForceCheckFlo(0),
376 0x0 PackReset,inFloJustReset(0),
377 0x0 SideHeatingDegG,
378 0x0 CoolZoneDetected(0),HPCResHetaerRequest(4),HPCHeatRequest(5),HPCChillRequest(6),HPCAutoMode(7),
379 0x0 HPCState,
380 0x0 RemoteOnzenAction,
381 0x0 RemoteOnzenDur,
382 0x0
383 0x0 SilentModeActive(0),
384 0x0 InGridDetected(0),
385 0x0 ExerciseDetectedType,
386 0x0 ExerciseIntensity,
387 0x0
388 0x0
389 0x0
389 0x27
390 0x0
391 0x0
392 0x0
393 0x0
394 0x0
395 0x0
396 0x0
397 0x0
398 0x0
399 0x0
400 0x0
401 0x0
402 0x0
403 0x0
404 0x0
405 0x0
406 0x0
407 0x0
408 0x0
409 0x0
410 0x0
411 0x0
412 0x0
413 0x0
414 0x0
415 0x0
416 0x0
417 0x0
418 0x0
419 0x0
420 0x0
421 0x0
422 0x0
423 0x0
424 0x0
425 0x0
426 0x0
427 0x0
428 0x0
428 0x27
429 0x0
430 0x0
431 0x0
432 0x0
433 0x0
434 0x0
435 0x0
436 0x0
437 0x0
438 0x0
439 0x0
440 0x0
441 0x0
442 0x0
443 0x0
444 0x0
445 0x0
446 0x0
447 0x0
448 0x1 CFG0,
449 0x2 CFG1,
450 0x3 CFG2,
451 0x4 CFG3,
452 0x5 CFG4,
453 0xff CFG5,
454 0xff CFG6,
455 0xff CFG7,
456 0xff CFG8,
457 0xff CFG9,
458 0xff CFG10,
459 0xff CFG11,
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461 0xff CFG13,
462 0xff CFG14,
463 0xff CFG15,
464 0xff CFG16,
465 0xff CFG17,
466 0xff CFG18,
467 0xff CFG19,
467 0x27 CFG19,
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479 0xff CFG31,
480 0x69
481 0x6e
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484 0x5f
485 0x43
486 0x35
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489 0x78
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502 0x35
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506 0x5
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508 0x0
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510 0x0
511 0x0
Just got my new spa with the in.touch2 remote and tried the to get the temperature, using the intouch url does nothing, but using the local IP of the in.touch2 device does work. So anyone wanting to get the water temperature and possibly using it in home automation stuff should be able to. You still need to get the identification string using tcpdump or something, but once you have this, you can query the in.touch2 device as you like.