CHTCollectionViewWaterfallLayout copied to clipboard
Crash in shortestColumnIndexInSection
Hi I try to use the example app with Swift3 and i face the crash issue in
func shortestColumnIndexInSection (_ section: NSInteger) -> NSInteger {
var index = 0
var shorestHeight = MAXFLOAT
(self.columnHeights[section] as AnyObject).enumerateObjects { (obj: Any, idx: NSInteger, pointer: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) in
let height = obj as! Float
if (height<shorestHeight){
shorestHeight = height
index = idx
return index
App getting crash in this line.
let height = obj as! Float
When i try to check for that nil in the above function,(i.e)
let height = obj as? Float if (height != nil && height<shorestHeight){ shorestHeight = height! index = idx }
My collectionview layout is in single coloum (i.e instead of two column it comes in single column)
Not knowing what the issue is, plus I haven't used the module yet the code from above could be swiftified to (almost never ever use force-cast or IUO's):
// This is far more safe than the original code
if let height = obj as? Float, height < shortestHeight {
shortestHeight = height
index = idx
Btw. fix the typo in shorestHeight
to shortestHeight