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Allow Markdown formatting for inline fields like Dataview

Open ngirard opened this issue 3 years ago • 2 comments

Hi Christian, and thanks for your efforts into this extension !

As I explained in this dataview issue report, I'm leveraging Dataview's ability to allow Markdown formatting for inline fields. My inline fields are surrounded with backticks, such as

`Key`:: Value

Using backticks makes the keys easy to distinguish from the rest of the text, plus it's easy to parse by third-party tools (mine, especially).

I'd greatly appreciate that you aligned your parser's abilities to Dataview's one, which would allow me to benefit from your extension !

In the linked issue report, there's a bunch of comments related to how Dataview parses inline fields, which may be useful for that purpose.


ngirard avatar May 28 '21 09:05 ngirard

Hey @chhoumann,

this is just a friendly reminder ; I'm still very interested in this enhancement, and I hope you can take a stab at it soon...


ngirard avatar Sep 23 '21 10:09 ngirard

+1 More readable frontmatter is always good

DJBootyShark avatar Jan 30 '22 15:01 DJBootyShark