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mozilla related packages are all over the graph

Open chhantyal opened this issue 8 years ago • 3 comments

As of today, there are 12 mozilla related packages in the graph as these packages have large number of downloads on PyPi.

I am not sure if anyone outside Mozilla uses these packages. If people outside Mozilla don't use these, there is no point in showing them here. There is already a mechanism to override a package, and we could just put them there.

It looks like all those packages with moz prefix are related to Mozilla test infrastructure and they might be downloading/installing frequently while running tests.

I am opening this issue hoping to get some input from Mozilla Devs or someone who knows about it.

Ping Python devs at @mozilla/gecko-dev

chhantyal avatar Oct 20 '15 22:10 chhantyal

Some screenshot from today

chhantyal avatar Oct 20 '15 22:10 chhantyal

See; we're interested in where this is coming from also.

jonallengriffin avatar Oct 20 '15 23:10 jonallengriffin

Thank you for your input. I will follow that thread.

For now, I will remove these packages from graph as it's quite clear that download stat for them don't show actual popularity within community.

If anyone has any concern, I will keep this issue open. Please feel free to comment here.

chhantyal avatar Oct 22 '15 21:10 chhantyal