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AOL P3 and FDO client

Results 4 notaol issues
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A tool that launches the library and does a REPL loop with commands like: - `login user pass` - `show previous-packet`: print out the last packet in human readable form...

There should be a layer in the library that records protocol communication in a well defined manner. For example, it should dump out a JSON document per line for every...

The RPC server (`notaol.rpc`) is kind of clunky. Its intended usage is that a higher level client, such as a QT application or a command line client, will launch the...

There should be tool, maybe named `notaol.atomizer`, that you can do things like: - `python3 notaol.atomizer assemble < fdo_script` that outputs the binary stream - `python3 notaol.atomizer disassemble < data_capture`...