NSScreenshotMaker copied to clipboard
Screenshot does not appear on Switch.
Using the .exe file. Running the following command: "C:/Users/Admin/Desktop/Applications/NS Screenshot/NSScreenshotMaker64" -k SECRET KEY HERE -i "C:/Users/Admin/Desktop/Applications/NS Screenshot/Input" -o "C:/Users/Admin/Desktop/Applications/NS Screenshot/Output" It appears to work, and creates an output folder, but when I copy the folder to my Switch's SD card, the photo does not show up on the Switch. I also tried it with a new, blank SD card, with the same result.
Here's the image file i'm using.
Is the SD card formatted in Fat32 or in ExFat?
The one that I generally use in my Switch is exFAT, but the new blank one I tried is FAT32.
What's the console FW?
Try resizing the image, and rerun the tool.
To what size?
It still doesn't show up.
Try using the python file then
Finally got Python working, the screenshots still don't show up.
Where did you put the file in your SD card?
I copied the entire "Nintendo" directory from the output folder to the root directory of the SD card.
Then I'm affraid I can't really help you at the moment :/ I'll try to replicate your issue and see what's wrong
Key starting with '287A' is in a text document renamed to key.bin Image with resolution 1280x720 in input folder Using the python script. When I run it, it does not get past checking the hash of the key. sha256(key).hexdigest() !=
If I comment that line section out it will generate an image SD\Nintendo\Album\2018\10\01\image.jpg if I try to load the image in the Switch's Album (6.0.0) it will display the thumbnail, but if I click on the image it gives me a message saying "data could not be displayed"
also I have read that images must be 512MBs or smaller and it is <400MBs so that shouldn't be the issue.
What am I doing wrong?
I apologize for bumping this thread.
As per the author's suggestions here and on GBATemp, I didn't copy the 64-digit key into a text document, but rather I copied the 64-digit key into a new document in the hex editor, HxD, then saved it as key.bin. From there, I resized the image to 1280x720, saved it as a .JPG, and:
- Copied the output file to a FAT16 microSD card (the only one I had on hand which was not being used),
- Inserted the card into my Switch
- Loaded the Photo Album, and clicked on the thumbnail (which loaded correctly).
The result: the picture loaded with no issues. Once I found my other memory cards, I tried both a FAT32 and an exFAT formatted SD card, and though the Switch asked me to update while the exFAT card was installed, the picture displayed perfectly on both cards.
I hope that this helps you out. Good luck, everyone! 😀