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Find all imported modules in JavaScript files.

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Find all imported modules in JavaScript files. It's useful for bundling 3rd-party libraries into a vendor.js using webpack. For example:

var webpack = require('webpack');
var findImports = require('find-imports');

// Webpack Configuration
module.exports = {
    entry: {
        app: [
        vendor: findImports('src/**/*.{js,jsx}', { flatten: true })
    output: {
        path: path.join(__dirname, 'dist'),
        filename: '[name].js'
    plugins: [
        new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin('vendor', 'vendor.js')


npm install --save-dev find-imports


The default options only return package imports:

import findImports from 'find-imports';

const files = [
    // glob pattern

    // use negative glob pattern to exclude files

// → { 'src/index.jsx':
//     [ 'lodash',
//       'async',
//       'jsuri',
//       'react',
//       'react-dom',
//       'react-router' ] }

To flatten the output:

findImports(files, { flatten: true });
// → [ 'lodash',
//     'async',
//     'jsuri',
//     'react',
//     'react-dom',
//     'react-router' ]

To return absolute and relative imports:

findImports(files, {
    absoluteImports: true,
    relativeImports: true
// → { 'src/index.jsx':
//     [ 'lodash',
//       'async',
//       'jsuri',
//       'react',
//       'react-dom',
//       'react-router',
//       '/index.styl',
//       './index.css' ] }

To only return absolute and relative imports (no packages):

findImports(files, {
    absoluteImports: true,
    relativeImports: true,
    packageImports: false
// → { 'src/index.jsx':
//     [ '/index.styl',
//       './index.css' ] }


Below are the options with their default values:

    flatten: false,
    packageImports: true,
    absoluteImports: false,
    relativeImports: false


Type: Boolean Default: false

Sets true to flatten the output and filter duplicate ones.


Type: Boolean Default: true

Sets true to return package imports.


Type: Boolean Default: false

Sets true to return absolute imports.


Type: Boolean Default: false

Sets false to return relative imports.


Copyright (c) 2016 Cheton Wu

Licensed under the MIT License.