Chetan PM
Chetan PM
I was wondering how to solve the damaged application, xattr works for me on Big Sur 11.2.3
Redmi note 10 pro android 11 (AOSP based octaviOS). I know it is not on the official support list yet. I installed the addon from noid: I was wondering...
In stock 12.0.5, in pro mode >> more settings There was a toggle for 64MP along with RAW, focus peeking, grid and other options. RAW and 64MP were both mutually...
> Next release prolly, We are planning a new re-port based on newer phones R?
For me, 'show low battery notification at' value resets to 80% on quitting and restarting the application. Iglance autostarts with the operating system boot and both show low battery and...
> Yes, exactly @Spicedwater. It works for me. I just changed this path `/usr/local/opt/qt/lib/QtWidgets.framework/Versions/5/QtWidgets ` to `/usr/local/opt/qt@5/lib/QtWidgets.framework/Versions/5/QtWidgets ` with the command `install_name_tool -change xxx xxx xxx` What is the path...
macOS 10.12.2, stuck at the same step, `Chetans-MacBook-Pro:~ chetanpm$ scapy WARNING: No route found for IPv6 destination :: (no default route?) INFO: Can't import python cryptography lib. Won't be able...
`Chetans-MacBook-Pro:~ chetanpm$ ls /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ psycopg2-2.6.2.dist-info cpyrit pylibpcap-0.6.4-py2.7.egg-info cpyrit_opencl-0.5.0-py2.7.egg-info pyrit-0.5.1-py2.7.egg-info easy_install.pyc pyrit_cli.pyc pyrit_cli.pyo pcap.pyc scapy pcapy-0.11.1.dist-info scapy-2.3.2.dist-info setuptools pip setuptools-32.3.1.dist-info pip-9.0.1.dist-info wheel pkg_resources wheel-0.29.0.dist-info psycopg2` Followed...
@JPaulMora But brew doesn't have scapy.. `Chetans-MacBook-Pro:Pyrit chetanpm$ brew install scapy Updating Homebrew... Error: No available formula with the name "scapy" ==> Searching for similarly named formulae... Error: No similarly...
@JPaulMora: scapy seem to be found nowhere in brew for me. [Brew formulae search](✓&search%5Bterm%5D=scapy&commit=Search). I have however installed scapy 2.3.3 from its source. scapy binary is in the /bin folder...