Highlightr-Plugin copied to clipboard
rounded highlighter + bold text, not being styled as bold during Live Preview
sample md:
not bold (**bold without highlight**) not bold
==not bold (**bold within highlight**) not bold==
not bold (**==highlight within bold==**) not bold
rendered result, using Rounded highlighter during Editor Live Preview:
Problem seems to go away if this rule is removed:
.highlightr-rounded .cm-s-obsidian span.cm-highlight {
font-weight: inherit;
Also, this type of rule doesn't exist for any of the other highlighter styles, so i assume it isn't needed.
I had the same issue, But removing recommended rule doesn't seem to help much. Highlighted text cannot be formatted as bold/italic or others
Is there any way to get this Issue solved? I really like the idea of highlighting text, but it should work in preview. Would be great to get an update on that- Thanks for the cool plugin!
workaround: create a css snippet with this rule
/* fix bold within highlight */
.highlightr-rounded .cm-s-obsidian .cm-highlight.cm-strong {
font-weight: 800;
Thanks for the idea, but it does not work for me. Still no "bold" in live preview.