Michael Chesterton
Michael Chesterton
hmmm. maybe IO related? you could use vmstat or iostat. I guess pgtune asked you if you had ssd's? because that influences how postgres should be configured. Is this the...
also google tune postgres large import. you probably want to delete all the indexes for the import and then add them after it finished. there might be other things you...
checkpoint_completion_target = 0.9 this is part of the checkpoint thing I was trying to remember, there are other checkpoint settings, I think time and size. from memory 0.9 is 90%,...
' -C 4000' this could probably be a lot bigger, you'd have to google.
Hi Simon, thanks for the report. This is what I used to use before my job changed 7 months ago and I shared it in case others found it useful....
Hey, it's been a long time since I've looked at openstreetmaps. if adding it to osm.env doesn't work, you could try adding something like `export NOMINATIM_IMPORT_STYLE="blah"` to `osm-config.sh`