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Cleanup for future development
Tentative list of things that should be done to bring this project back to life for 2017.
- [x] Ensure we run on Ruby 2.1.3 and latest Ruby 2.1.4.
- [x] Ensure we run on latest JRuby (code and specs)
- [x] ~~Migrate the Gemspec back into a Gemfile (take JRuby in consideration)~~ (decided against it; noticing that optcarrot is also built as an unpackaged gem)
- [ ] Have a better command-line interface (replace bootstrap scripts)
- [ ] Provide at least one example ROM (2048 2600?)
- [x] Bump to latest RSpec (consider Minitest + some sugar)
- [ ] Consider alternatives to Gosu (or ensure we can easily install it)
- [ ] Add some CI
- [ ] Update / enhance / integrate #9 (Opal).