spotify-slack-status icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
spotify-slack-status copied to clipboard

Update your Slack status based on the track currently playing in Spotify.

Spotify Slack Status

Update your Slack status based on the track currently playing in Spotify.

Add to Slack

You can update your status via the /spotify-status command in Slack once you've added the app to your team's Slack.

Screenshot from Slack 1

Screenshot from Slack 2

How to Develop

You will need PostgreSQL, Bundler, RubyGems, and Ruby installed.

Create a Spotify app. Add http://localhost:9292/callback/spotify as a redirect URI.

Create a Heroku app.

bundle install
cp dotenv.sample .env

Create a Slack app. Add http://localhost:9292/callback/slack as a redirect URI. Set up a "Slash Command" on your app with the name /spotify-status and the request URL When you add the slash command to your Slack app, a verification token will appear under "Basic Information". Set this token in your .env as SLACK_VERIFICATION_TOKEN.

Edit .env to set your Spotify and Slack client IDs and secrets. Run rake generate:secret and put the output of that as the SESSION_SECRET value in your .env.

createdb spotify_slack_status_dev
rake db:migrate
open http://localhost:9292/

Deploying to Heroku

Set as a redirect URI on your Spotify app. Set as a redirect URI on your Slack app. You want the Heroku URL as the first redirect URL.

heroku git:remote -a your-heroku-app
git push heroku master
heroku run rake db:migrate
heroku restart

Set environment variables on your Heroku app via:

heroku config:set SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID=
heroku config:set SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET=
heroku config:set SLACK_CLIENT_ID=
heroku config:set SLACK_CLIENT_SECRET=
heroku config:set SESSION_SECRET=