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Authenticators factory
An old design decision was to lock under AUTH_KEY only http endpoints. Let's make the key cover all the endpoints, included websocket
EDIT: A better idea is to have AUTH_KEY for http endpoints and a different WS_AUTH_KEY for authenticating websocket
P.S. check if client libs need an update
I guess this is the python file requiring some modification in order to check the auth_key before allowing the websocket connection:
Let's ask @EugenioPetulla where is better to force api auth because he handled the http one
Hi guys, I'll give my opinion on this. HTTP APIs and websocket communication play two different roles within the cat. HTTP APIs are used to administer the cat while websocket communication is used to let users communicate.
Using the same key for both the websocket and the http API would mean having to make the user administrator key public, causing a major security problem.
If you wanted to make the websocket secure, you should extend the cat with a plugin in order to implement a custom authorization logic based on your user management system.
For example, in an application with a token-based authentication system, you could insert the user token into the metadata of websocket messages and check the validity of the token in the "Before agent starts" hook.
What do you think about it?
Hi Luca, I agree we should keep separate the HTTP RESTful API from the Websocket protocol. However, I'm not sure we should have an external plugin to grant the Websocket security.
How about to add an APIKey related to the websocket initial authentication (different from the APIKey used for the Rest API)? Ideally it would be to add the possibility of using an OAuth Token: OAuth Tokens: For more robust security, especially in systems where users have individual accounts, consider using OAuth tokens. After the user logs in via a secure HTTP connection, your server issues a token that the client then presents when establishing the WebSocket connection.
I've also noticed that in the documentation examples the websockets are set not to use a secure connection (ws instead of wss): config = ccat.Config( base_url=cat_url, port=1865, user_id="user", auth_key=auth_key, secure_connection=False # Indicates an insecure connection (ws://) )
I didn't try to set it to True and see if the WSS are working, however we should have a try to be sure that we support encrypted websocket communications.
Thanks! ciao Diego
@lucapirrone @diegogosmar ok let's go with two different env variables, one for http and one for websocket. Makes sense!
@diegogosmar can you do a check about the wss issues?
vote = mh.execute_hook([], payload, cat)
# [True, True, False]
return np.all(vote)
def authorize([], payload, cat):
user_id = cat.user_id # payload.user_id
token = payload.token
# my logic (API_KEY or IDP)
cat.working_memory.permissions = ["fuck", "around"]
return vote
list_authenticators_default = [ApiKeyAuthenticator, OAuthAuthenticator]
authenticators = mh.execute_hook(
"allowed_authenticators", list_authenticators_default, cat=None
# Admin choses authenticator
class MyAuthenticator(CatAuthenticator):
http_key: str
ws_key : str
def auth_http(self, payload, cat)
return True
def auth_websocket(self, payload, cat)
return True
def allowed_authenticators(auth_list, cat):
return auth_list
I'm here!
It's mostly a copy paste of the llm / embedder factory
For exmaple on the embedders these are the key files: Factory: Load the chosen one: Endpoints: Tests:
Should be easier for Authenticators because we try yo couple LLM/Embedder vendors, while in the case of auth there are no couplings
Let me know if I can help, also on a draft PR
After dev meeting, to improve on #794 :
will do something like (pseudo-code):
class BaseAuth():
def is_master_key(request):
# current logic with API_KEY, if present in .env
return request.header["access_token"] == getenv("API_KEY")
def is_http_allowed(request):
return is_master_key(request)
def is_ws_allowed(websocket):
return True
In plugins you can register a subclass
class MyAuth(BaseAuth):
# may or may not be overridden,
# if you do, you lock out the admin and any community client relying on API_KEY
def is_master_key(request):
return False
def is_http_allowed(request):
# your logic
return True | False
def is_ws_allowed(websocket):
# your logic
return True | False
Instance of this class is selected via admin/endpoint and it is stored in cat.auth
All endpoints will have a Depends
to filter by authenticator
def some_endpoint(request, payload, Depends(http_auth)):
will use master_key and custom access in OR
def http_auth(app, request):
cat = app.state.ccat # not sure if we can reach `stray` directly
if not cat.auth.is_master_key(request) or cat.auth.is_http_allowed(request):
raise Exception
Same logic for a Depends(ws_auth)
Admin will be saved by just using the API_KEY as it is now, and in the future we may have a custom temp token for the admin.
Hope I'm seeing everything
@pieroit can we close this issue?