csgo-skin-tester icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
csgo-skin-tester copied to clipboard

This is the NodeJS backend for the CS:GO Skin Tester, a tool that allows you to test CS:GO skins in-game on a community server.

CS:GO Skin Tester

This app allows inspecting skins from other players in-game, on a game server. This works by providing an inspect link for the desired skin.


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Run npm install to install all dependencies
  3. Run cp .env.example .env and fill out all env variables
  4. Run npm run migrate to run all database migrations
  5. Run npm run skins:update to parse all skins and insert them into the database
  6. Run npm run start to start the app


Install the SourceMod Plugin on your CS:GO server

In order to work, this application needs a CS:GO server that connects to it through a socket. You need to install the CS:GO Skin Tester SourceMod Plugin for that. Detailed instructions for the installation can be found in the readme of the repository.

Note that you can add the plugin to multiple CS:GO servers, and you can connect the plugin of each server to the same web app. This way, you can have one web app that works with any number of CS:GO servers.

Add Steam Accounts

This app requires at least one Steam account in order to extract data from the CS:GO inspect links through the Steam API. Each Steam account can only inspect one skin at a time, so if you have some traffic then you might consider to add more than just one Steam account. The more Steam accounts, the more concurrent requests the app can serve.

You can add new Steam accounts to the database through the node cmd account:create command. Here's an example:

node cmd account:create --user user123 --password password123 --secret secret123

The user argument is the Steam username, the password argument is the account password, and the secret is the shared secret which is required to login through 2FA.

If you want to want to remove a Steam account from the database, simply use this command:

node cmd account:destroy --user user123

Disable IPv6

You should disable support for IPv6 requests when hosting this web app. The reason is that players are identified by their IP address, and CS:GO servers only support IPv4. So the player will have an IPv4 address on the CS:GO server, and if he makes a request to the web app through IPv6, then he won't be identified correctly on the CS:GO server.

If you're using Cloudflare, you can disable IPv6 through an API call. First, get the ID of the zone (domain) that you want to disable IPv6 for:

curl -X GET "https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/zones" \
     -H "X-Auth-Email: <userEmail>" \
     -H "X-Auth-Key: <apiKey>" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json"

And then disable IPv6 for your zone:

curl -X PATCH "https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/zones/<zoneId>/settings/ipv6" \
     -H "X-Auth-Email: <userEmail>" \
     -H "X-Auth-Key: <apiKey>" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --data '{"value":"off"}'

Environment Variables

Variable Type Default Description
NODE_ENV string development The current environment. Possible values are development and production. Make sure to set this to production when you're going live.
WEB_PORT integer 3000 The port that the Express web server is listening to.
SOCKET_PORT integer 8080 The port that the socket server is listening to.
APP_KEY string none The app key. This key should be a random string that is used to encrypt Steam account credentials.
DATABASE_URL string none The URL of the PostgreSQL database that is used by the application.
DATABASE_DEBUG boolean true Whether to log database queries or not.
DATABASE_SSL boolean false Whether to connect to the database through SSL.
DATABASE_MIN_CONNECTIONS integer 1 The minimum number of open database connections.
DATABASE_MAX_CONNECTIONS integer 10 The maximum number of open database connections.
STEAM_API_KEY string none The Steam API key that is used to interact with the Steam API.



Error responses always have a 4XX or 5XX HTTP status code. Additionally, errors always have an id and a message property. Here's an example:

  "id": "SERVER_ERROR",
  "message": "Ouch! An unexpected server error occurred."

The message string is user-friendly and can be displayed to directly to end users.

Here's a full list of all errors:

ID Status Code Message
VALIDATION_ERROR 400 This message varies depending on the validation error.
UNSUPPORTED_SKIN 400 Sorry but this skin is currently not supported.
NOT_FOUND 404 Whoops, this endpoint does not exist.
ALL_SERVERS_FULL 500 Sorry, all of our CS:GO test servers are currently full. Please try again later.
INSPECTION_FAILED 500 Failed to inspect the given CS:GO inspect link, please try again.
SERVER_ERROR 500 Ouch! An unexpected server error occurred.


Send skin to player through inspect link


POST /tests/link

Input Parameters
Parameter Type Required Description
link string Yes The inspect link of the CS:GO skin that the player should be equipped with.
ip string No The IP address of the player that the skin should be sent to. If this is ommitted, the IP address of the client that makes the request is used.

This endpoint sends a skin to a player on the CS:GO game server based on a provided inspect link. If the player is already connected to the CS:GO server, he will be immediately equipped with the skin. If the player is not connected to the CS:GO server yet, this endpoint will return a URL that the player can be connected to via Javascript (e.g window.location).

Response Examples

Here's an example response that occurs when the player is not connected to the server yet. On the client side, you should always check for the needs_to_connect property and if it is true, then use the connect_to_url to connect the player to the CS:GO server. This can be done by visiting the URL in the browser, e.g through window.location. After the user connects to the server, he will be automatically equipped with the skin.

  "success": true,
  "needs_to_connect": true,
  "connect_to_server": "",
  "connect_to_url": "steam://connect/"

If the player is already connected to the server, no action is needed. He will be immediately equipped with the CS:GO skin.

  "success": true,
  "needs_to_connect": false,
  "connect_to_server": null,
  "connect_to_url": null

Send skin to player through market_hash_name


POST /tests/name

Input Parameters
Parameter Type Required Description
market_hash_name string Yes The market_hash_name of the CS:GO skin that the player should be equipped with.
seed integer No The seed (also called pattern ID) that should be used for the skin. This must be a number between 1 and 1000. This can be used to apply a special version of a Fade or Case Hardened skin.
paintkit integer No The paintkit index (also called finish catalog) that should be used for the skin. This can be used to apply a certain phase for a Doppler or Gamma Doppler.
ip string No The IP address of the player that the skin should be sent to. If this is ommitted, the IP address of the client that makes the request is used.

This endpoint sends a skin to a player on the CS:GO game server based on a provided market_hash_name. See the description of Send skin to player through inspect link for more details.

Response Examples

See the response examples of Send skin to player through inspect link.

Send skin to player through skin id


POST /tests/id

Input Parameters
Parameter Type Required Description
skin_id integer Yes The id of the CS:GO skin that the player should be equipped with.
wear float No The wear value that should be applied to the skin. Must be between 0.00000000000000001 and 0.99999999999999999.
seed integer No The seed (also called pattern ID) that should be used for the skin. This must be a number between 1 and 1000. This can be used to apply a special version of a Fade or Case Hardened skin.
stattrak integer no The StatTrak™ kill count that should be applied to the skin.
ip string No The IP address of the player that the skin should be sent to. If this is ommitted, the IP address of the client that makes the request is used.

This endpoint sends a skin to a player on the CS:GO game server based on a provided skin id. See the description of Send skin to player through inspect link for more details.

Response Examples

See the response examples of Send skin to player through inspect link.

List all items


GET /items


This endpoint lists all CS:GO items for which skins are available.

Response Examples

Here's an example response:

  "items": [
      "id": 8,
      "name": "AK-47",
      "name_technical": "weapon_ak47",
      "defindex": 7,
      "image_url": "https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/apps/730/icons/econ/weapons/base_weapons/weapon_ak47.a320f13fea4f21d1eb3b46678d6b12e97cbd1052.png",
      "class": "weapon_ak47",
      "type": "Rifle"
      "id": 9,
      "name": "AUG",
      "name_technical": "weapon_aug",
      "defindex": 8,
      "image_url": "https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/apps/730/icons/econ/weapons/base_weapons/weapon_aug.6b97a75aa4c0dbb61d81efb6d5497b079b67d0da.png",
      "class": "weapon_aug",
      "type": "Rifle"

List all paintkits


GET /paintkits


This endpoint lists all available paintkits.

Response Examples

Here's an example response:

  "paintkits": [
      "id": 1,
      "name": "Spruce DDPAT",
      "name_technical": "handwrap_camo_grey",
      "defindex": 10010
      "id": 2,
      "name": "Badlands",
      "name_technical": "handwrap_fabric_orange_camo",
      "defindex": 10036

List all skins


GET /skins


This endpoint lists all available skins.

Response Examples

Here's an example response:

  "skins": [
      "id": 1,
      "name": "Hand Wraps | Spruce DDPAT",
      "name_technical": "leather_handwraps_handwrap_camo_grey",
      "image_url": "https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/leather_handwraps_handwrap_camo_grey_light_large.04557b1a8d68bccdd60b18521346091328756ded.png",
      "item": {
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Hand Wraps",
        "name_technical": "leather_handwraps",
        "defindex": 5032,
        "image_url": "",
        "class": "wearable_item",
        "type": "Gloves"
      "paintkit": {
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Spruce DDPAT",
        "name_technical": "handwrap_camo_grey",
        "defindex": 10010
      "id": 2,
      "name": "Hand Wraps | Badlands",
      "name_technical": "leather_handwraps_handwrap_fabric_orange_camo",
      "image_url": "https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/leather_handwraps_handwrap_fabric_orange_camo_light_large.f8453c60f74a846bd3c05310de4f004cd95a1aa2.png",
      "item": {
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Hand Wraps",
        "name_technical": "leather_handwraps",
        "defindex": 5032,
        "image_url": "",
        "class": "wearable_item",
        "type": "Gloves"
      "paintkit": {
        "id": 2,
        "name": "Badlands",
        "name_technical": "handwrap_fabric_orange_camo",
        "defindex": 10036

Software Suite

The CS:GO Skin Tester backend works in conjunction with a set of related tools. At least the SourceMod plugin for the CS:GO server is required to make it work.