everything except "add to startup" and "fake error"
if I disable file pumper, the exe file will stop being created. it just won't appear in the folder.
after opening the installation file. it appears in the terminal-"1. Found Python version 3.11.2: "C:\Users\pahak\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\python.exe" If you want to use Nuitka, you need to select a version 3.4.X - 3.11.X...
after I enter the installed python version into the terminal, this error appears-"Invalid selection Exiting..."
3.11.2 and what should I have entered into the terminal if not this?
so can you tell me exactly what I need to enter into the terminal? I'm sorry, but I don't speak English, I use a translator, so sometimes it may not...
so what should I write to the terminal to make everything work?